- Title
- - Ви розглянули мою пропозицію? - Так, але замість надр дамо яйця
- Translation
- - Have you considered my proposal? - Yes, but instead of the bowels [of the Earth] we will offer balls [courage]
- Content Type
- Concessions to Putin / wavering support for Ukraine Negotiations
- Country
- Ukraine, United States
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Zelensky (Volodymyr) Trump (Donald)
- Title
- - Я почитав новини і це пизда! - Збери раму, нам ще ядерку робить!
- Translation
- - I read the news, and it's a disaster! - Pull yourself together, we still have a nuke to make!
- Content Type
- Resilient UkrainiansWar news - dealing with them
- Country
- Ukraine
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- Misc. classical meme
- People
- ---
- Title
- [D. Trump desires Ukrainian rare earth metals in exchange for military assistance].
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Concessions to Putin / wavering support for Ukraine Negotiations
- Country
- Ukraine, United States
- Language
- n/a
- Template Type
- TV show
- People
- Trump (Donald)
- Title
- Kiedy nie wiesz, czy jesteś bardziej Wikingiem, Słowianinem, Mongołem czy Bizantyjczykiem, więc bierzesz najgorsze cechy od każdego i zakładasz własny naród.
- Translation
- When you don't know whether you're more of a Viking, Slav, Mongol, or Byzantine, so you take the worst traits from each and create your own nation.
- Content Type
- Russia (general)
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- Polish
- Template Type
- Film (non-Soviet)
- People
- ---
- Title
- Движуха!
- Translation
- Some action! ["We are bored, we want some action" (Putin describing the reasons for the invasion of Ukraine at his televised Direct Line event on December 19, 2024)].
- Content Type
- Putin (general) War progress / outcome (general)
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Putin (Vladimir)
- Title
- На зустрічі президентів України та США: -Ти ще хто такий? - Це ти хто такий?
- Translation
- At the meeting of the presidents of Ukraine and the USA: - And who are you? - Who are you?
- Content Type
- NegotiationsPolitics (Ukraine)
- Country
- Ukraine, United States
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Musk (Elon) Yermak (Andrii)
- Title
- everyone who meets with him is paid -- a few moments later😉 [Re: "Did you know that USAID spent your tax dollars to fund celebrity trips to Ukraine, all to boost Zelensky's popularity among Americans?" - post on X from "I Meme Therefore I Am, February 5, 2025, reposted by E. Musk as part of an information campaign in support of closing USAID (United States Agency for International Development)].
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Concessions to Putin / wavering support for Ukraine Negotiations
- Country
- Ukraine, United States
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- Lord of the RingsNews photo
- People
- Zelensky (Volodymyr) Musk (Elon) Trump (Donald)
- Title
- Взяли на новую работу - В батальной Ахмат
- Translation
- Got a new job - In the Akhmat battalion [The Russian Armed Forces started using donkeys due to insufficient supply of vehicles on the frontline.]
- Content Type
- Kadyrov and goats / sheep
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- Film (non-Soviet)
- People
- ---
- Title
- москаль - очень странный предмет... Голова вроде есть, а мозгов СУКА... нет!
- Translation
- A Muscovite is a very strange thing... It seems to have a head, but no damn brains! [Paraphrase of a song from the Soviet era animated film "Vinny Pukh" combined with an image from this film].
- Content Type
- Russia (general)
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- Film (Soviet)
- People
- ---
- Title
- Украинец с фронта: "Борщ из бурятов вкуснее, чем из русских"
- Translation
- A Ukrainian from the front: "Borscht made from Buryats tastes better than from Russians"
- Content Type
- Armed Forces (Ukraine) Meat / shrimp (soldiers / sailors destined to be killed)
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- Film (non-Soviet)Stock photo
- People
- ---
- Title
- я обожнюю зранку запах чогось розйобаного на росії.
- Translation
- I love the smell of something blown up in Russia in the morning
- Content Type
- Explosions in Russia or on occupied territories Russian gas / oil
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- Film (non-Soviet)War photo
- People
- ---
- Title
- - Ситуація в країні складається так, що тобі доведеться повернути гілку. - Гаразд.
- Translation
- - The situation in the country is such that you will have to return the twig. - Alright. [This meme is from a series of memes built on the premise that St. Jerome is giving the lion a twig as a payment].
- Content Type
- Economic impact of the war Ukraine (general)
- Country
- Ukraine
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- Artwork
- People
- ---
- Title
- Вместе мы непобедимы. Мы братья славяне!!! США, Канада, Мексика – это и есть святая Русь!
- Translation
- Together we are invincible. We are brothers slavs!!! The USA, Canada, and Mexico – this is the true Holy Rus'! [Re: Putin;s claims that Ukraine, Belarus and Russia are one nation].
- Content Type
- Russian propaganda and information war
- Country
- Russia, United States, Mexico, Canada
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- Stock photoDemotivator
- People
- ---
- Title
- корейцы в верхнем ряду, русня ниже
- Translation
- koreans in the top row, russians below
- Content Type
- Armed Forces (Russia) Russia's alliesWar progress / outcome (general)
- Country
- Russia, North Korea
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- Corpses message
- People
- ---
- Title
- раніше воно було просто ху*ло а тепер стало — ху*лом довбоєбовичем авторитет у всьому світі зростає.
- Translation
- before, it was just khuylo but now it has become khuylo dovboyebovych ["Dumbass" (Ukr. "dovboyob") is the term used by Zelensky to describe Putin after the latter has named "boredom" and" desire for some action" as reasons for the war, during his yearly press conference / Direct line event, on December 19, 2024.] its authority is growing all over the world.
- Content Type
- "Putin khuylo!"
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Putin (Vladimir)
- Title
- Хуйло -- Довбойоб.
- Translation
- Khuylo -- Dumbass. ["Dumbass" (Ukr. "dovboyob") is the term used by Zelensky to describe Putin after the latter has named "boredom" and" desire for some action" as reasons for the war, during his yearly press conference / Direct line event, on December 19, 2024.]
- Content Type
- "Putin khuylo!"
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- Infographics
- People
- Putin (Vladimir)
- Title
- кокошник. валежник. боярышник. загашник. орешник.
- Translation
- kokoshnik. deadwood. boyaryshnik.[a brand name of a hawthorn-scented bath oil that killed over 70 people in Irkutsk, Russia who consumed it as a surrogate alcohol in December 2016] stash. oreshnik. ["Hazel" or "Nut tree", a new Russian intermediate-range ballistic missile.]
- Content Type
- Russian propaganda and information warPutin (general)
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Putin (Vladimir)
- Title
- чотири години щось пиздякати, пижитися, тужитися, залякувати, і в результаті всі запам’ятали тільки те, що ти довбойоб
- Translation
- four hours of babbling, puffing yourself up, straining, intimidating—and in the end, everyone only remembered that you’re a dumbass ["Dumbass" (Ukr. "dovboyob") is the term used by Zelensky to describe Putin after the latter has named "boredom" and" desire for some action" as reasons for the war, during his yearly press conference / Direct line event, on December 19, 2024.]
- Content Type
- Putin (general) Russian propaganda and information war
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- Artwork
- People
- Putin (Vladimir)
- Title
- в чудні часи живемо, куме тобто моzкалів палити можна, а траву ніт.
- Translation
- we live in strange times, buddy. that is: you can burn moskals, but not weed.
- Content Type
- Politics (Ukraine)
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- The Night Before Christmas (Soviet film)
- People
- ---
- Title
- вот получу тисячу зєлєнского, куплю машину с магнiтофоном, пошью піджак с отлиiвом і в Ялту!
- Translation
- once i get zelensky’s thousands[hryvnia], i’ll buy a car with a tape player, i’ll have a jacket with a sheen, and off to Yalta! [In December 2024 the Ukrainian government announced a winter season financial aid program prividing 1000 hryvnia (ab. 24USD) to any citizen on request].
- Content Type
- Economic impact of the war Politics (Ukraine)
- Country
- Ukraine
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- Film (Soviet)
- People
- Zelensky (Volodymyr)
- Title
- - Говорили, что при путине будет доллар по 100₽, будет хаос, будет война. вот видите, как-то ничего не сталось… - Мне 72 года, я ж не лох... -- Ху&ло, Russia -
- Translation
- - They said that under putin dollar would be 100 rubles, there would be chaos, there would be war. you see, somehow nothing happened… - I’m 72 years old, i’m not a sucker -- Khuylo, Russia
- Content Type
- Economic impact of the war "Putin khuylo!" Russian propaganda and information war
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Putin (Vladimir) Lavrov (Sergei)
- Title
- Українські далекобійні дрони. -- Підприємства російського впk та нафтобази.
- Translation
- Ukrainian long-range drones. -- Russian military-industrial enterprises and oil depots.
- Content Type
- Armed Forces (Ukraine) Explosions in Russia or on occupied territories Russian gas / oil
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- Stock photo
- People
- ---
- Title
- Независимые источники новостей -- Кремлевская пропаганда
- Translation
- Independent news sources -- Kremlin propaganda
- Content Type
- Russian propaganda and information war
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- Misc. classical meme
- People
- ---
- Title
- - Ну ты скоро там? - Иду!
- Translation
- - Are you going to be soon? - Coming!
- Content Type
- Armed Forces (Russia) Kobzon's concert
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Kobzon (Iosif) Sarkisyan (Armen)
- Title
- Служба за контрактом -- "Чесний контракт" для 18-25 річних -- Служба за мобілізацією
- Translation
- Contract service -- "Honest contract" for 18-25-year-olds -- Service by mobilization
- Content Type
- Mobilization / military draft / recruitment in Ukraine
- Country
- Ukraine
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- Stock photo
- People
- ---
- Title
- Вбивства військових у тилу - це червона лінія, яку НЕ можна перетинати!
- Translation
- Killings of military personnel in the rear are a red line that must NOT be crossed! [Re: statement by the Commander of the Land Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Mykhailo Drapatiy in response to the assassination of a serviceman at a regional mobilization center, Feb. 1, 2025.] https://elitexpert.ua/en/news/drapatij-vidreaguvav-na-vbivstvo-vijskovosluzhbovcya-tck-u-piryatini/
- Content Type
- Mobilization / military draft / recruitment in Ukraine
- Country
- Ukraine
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- Film (non-Soviet)
- People
- ---
- Title
- Порвём Америку в клочья!
- Translation
- We will tear America to shreds!
- Content Type
- Lukashenko (general) Putin (general) Russian propaganda and information war
- Country
- Russia, Belarus, United States
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- Stock photo
- People
- Putin (Vladimir) Lukashenko (Alexander)
- Title
- - А у вас нет такого же, но только без Путина? - Нет! - Будем искать!
- Translation
- - Do you have the same thing, but without Putin? - No! - We will keep looking!
- Content Type
- Putin (general) Russian propaganda and information war
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- Film (Soviet)News photo
- People
- Putin (Vladimir)
- Title
- Что дєлать!? Куда бєжать? -- Вітя і башар ждут братана.
- Translation
- What to do!? Where to run? -- Vitya and Bashar are waiting for their bro.
- Content Type
- Russia's alliesRussian collaborators in Ukraine
- Country
- Russia, Syria, Slovakia, Ukraine
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- Film (Soviet)News photo
- People
- Fico (Robert) al-Assad (Bashar) Yanukovych (Viktor)
- Title
- В Словаччині протестують проти Фіцо з гаслами «Словаччина — це Європа», — Aktuality. - Роберт, вихадi!
- Translation
- In Slovakia, protests against Fico are taking place with slogans such as «Slovakia is Europe», — Aktuality. - Robert, come outside!
- Content Type
- Russia's allies
- Country
- European Union, Slovakia
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- News photoScreenshotTV show
- People
- Fico (Robert)
- Title
- Опозиція у Словаччині готує революцію — Майдан — Фіцо. - Робєрт. Растов не рєзінавий!
- Translation
- The opposition in Slovakia is preparing a revolution — Maidan — Fico. - Robert. Rostov is not made of rubber! [I. e. can't accomodate all the fugitive political leaders].
- Content Type
- Russia's alliesRussian propaganda and information war
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia, Slovakia
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Fico (Robert) Yanukovych (Viktor)
- Title
- Мир настане не тоді коли путін зустрінеться із Трампом, а тоді, коли путін зустрінеться з Каддафі.
- Translation
- Peace will come not when Putin meets Trump, but when Putin meets Gaddafi.
- Content Type
- End of the Putin regime Negotiations
- Country
- Russia, United States, Libya
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Putin (Vladimir) Trump (Donald)Gaddafi (Muammar)
- Title
- Рязанський нпз сьогодні відвідали "добрі" бпла. - Нє бєги! Ето жє вєсєло, ето же двіжуха!
- Translation
- The Ryazan oil refinery was visited today by "good" Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. - Don't run! This is fun, this is some action!
- Content Type
- Explosions in Russia or on occupied territories Putin (general)
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Putin (Vladimir)
- Title
- Давай, закінчуй війну за 1 день.
- Translation
- Come on, end the war in 1 day.
- Content Type
- Negotiations
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia, United States
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- Misc. classical meme
- People
- Trump (Donald)
- Title
- Зря я Трампа поздравлял... Путин разрушает Россию!
- Translation
- I shouldn't have congratulated Trump... Putin is destroying Russia! [On his first days in the Oval Office, President Trump criticized Vladimir Putin, stating that the Russian leader is "destroying Russia" by continuing the war in Ukraine.]
- Content Type
- Putin (general) Russia (general)
- Country
- Russia, United States
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- Artwork
- People
- Putin (Vladimir) Trump (Donald)
- Title
- Ніщо так не розділяло два "братніх" народи як лінія фронту
- Translation
- Nothing has ever divided the two "brotherly" nations like the front line
- Content Type
- War progress / outcome (general)
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- Film (Soviet)
- People
- ---
- Title
- Nieważne czyja wina. Zobacz jaka. MINÄ przeciwpancerna. 499.99 ikea
- Translation
- It doesn't matter whose fault it is. Check out this. MINÄ [i. e. mine]. anti-tank. 499.99 ikea
- Content Type
- ---
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia, Sweden
- Language
- Polish
- Template Type
- Branding
- People
- ---
- Title
- Помогите! Я кажется натворил хуйни!
- Translation
- Help! I think I've done something shitty!
- Content Type
- Putin (general) War progress / outcome (general)
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Putin (Vladimir)
- Title
- [Combat geese].
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Ukrainian combat birds/mosquitos/etc.
- Country
- Ukraine
- Language
- n/a
- Template Type
- War photo
- People
- ---
- Title
- [S. Lavrov as a horse].
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Russia (general)
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- n/a
- Template Type
- Animal photoNews photo
- People
- Lavrov (Sergei)
- Title
- Неправильно ты, дядя Фёдор, обходишь блокировки. Ты активируешь SOCKS протокол, а надо валить из этой страны к херам.
- Translation
- You're bypassing blocks the wrong way, Uncle Fyodor. You're activating the SOCKS[proxy protocol] protocol when you should be getting the hell out of this country.
- Content Type
- Russian propaganda and information warRussian exodus
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- Film (Soviet)
- People
- ---
- Title
- Avatar. The last. Airbender. [Re: K. Budanov's newly shaved head as proof that he is alive and not killed by Russians: https://lux.fm/golova-gur-kirilo-budanov-zrobiv-novu-zachisku-i-stav-geroyem-memiv_n126948. Pictured with Budanov: Japan's ambassador in Ukraine and First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Emine Dzhaparova].
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Armed Forces (Ukraine)
- Country
- Ukraine
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- News photoTV show
- People
- Budanov (Kyrylo)
- Title
- Украина не обстреливала Донбасс 8 лет — Пригожин. «ВСУ били только по военным, а мы по ним. Ничего сверхординарного до 24го числа не было.» -- геніально!!!!!! просто геніально!!!!! йому треба видати громадянство України за відчайдушну боротьбу з кремлівським режимом!!!!!
- Translation
- Ukraine did not shell Donbas for 8 years — Prigozhin. «The Ukrainian Armed Forces only targeted military personnel, and we targeted them. Nothing extraordinary happened until the 24th.» -- brilliant!!!!!! Absolutely brilliant!!!!! He needs to be granted Ukrainian citizenship for his desperate fight against the Kremlin regime!!!!!
- Content Type
- Prigozhin's mutiny Russian propaganda and information war
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- Ukrainian, Russian
- Template Type
- Rage comicsNews photo
- People
- Prigozhin (Yevgeny)
- Title
- iPad Pro. 58 000 грн. 1 ТБ пам’яті. Можливість виконувати купу задач. Є можливість встановити російську мову. — Магнітна дошка. 1 700 грн. 0 байт пам’яті. Тупо малювалка їбать. Російська мова відсутня повністю. Вибiр очевидний.
- Translation
- iPad Pro. 58 000 UAH. 1 TB of memory. Ability to perform a ton of tasks. Option to install the Russian language. — Magnetic board 1 700 UAH. 0 bytes of memory. Just a dumb drawing board, damn. No Russian language at all. The choice is obvious.
- Content Type
- Ukrainian language / literature
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- Infographics
- People
- ---
- Title
- - треба пропустити ще кілька петабайтів нахрюків про русоріз із вагнером. зможеш? - так, пене...
- Translation
- - we need to process a few more petabytes of squealing about Russocide and Wagner. can you handle it? - [Telegram logo]: yes, sir...
- Content Type
- Armed Forces (Ukraine) Prigozhin's mutiny War news - dealing with them
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- News photoWojak
- People
- Budanov (Kyrylo)
- Title
- Весь укрінтернет зараз би лайк: Я більше не хочу з тобою гратися.
- Translation
- The entire Ukrainian internet right now would like: I don't want to play with you anymore.
- Content Type
- Prigozhin's mutiny War news - dealing with them
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- Film (non-Soviet)
- People
- Prigozhin (Yevgeny)
- Title
- Слабка аура: хахахах вже бачив цо там путін висрав? Ото він лох канєшно я їбу. — Сильна аура: похуй + поїбати.
- Translation
- Weak aura: Hahaha, have you already seen what Putin crapped out this time? — Wow, what a loser, of course, screw him. Strong aura: Don’t care + enjoy life
- Content Type
- War news - dealing with them
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- Misc. classical meme
- People
- Putin (Vladimir)
- Title
- Budanov triangle
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Armed Forces (Ukraine) Crimea (explosions etc.)
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- Map
- People
- Budanov (Kyrylo)
- Title
- Пам'ятник "Володимир Ленін засновує Україну". Бронза, граніт, альцгеймер
- Translation
- Monument "Vladimir Lenin is founding Ukraine". Bronze, granite, Alzheimer's
- Content Type
- "Ukraine was created by Lenin"
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia, USSR
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- Stock photo
- People
- Lenin (Vladimir)
- Title
- Putin made the biggest mistake of his life attacking Ukraine. Change my mind
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Putin (general) War progress / outcome (general)
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- Misc. classical meme
- People
- Putin (Vladimir)
- Title
- AfD [Alternative for Germany] - NAFO/OFAN
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Concessions to Putin / wavering support for Ukraine Memes (yes - memes about memes!)
- Country
- Ukraine, Germany
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- NAFO / Shiba Inu Misc. classical meme
- People
- ---
- Title
- I don't want flowers, I said long-range hypersonic missiles
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Lend-Lease and other military assistance to Ukraine
- Country
- Ukraine, NATO countries
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- Artwork
- People
- ---
- Title
- Договорнячок по Украине -- Договорнячок по Газе -- Трамп
- Translation
- Negotiations on Ukraine -- Negotiations on Gaza -- Trump
- Content Type
- Negotiations
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia, United States, Israel, Palestine
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- Stock photo
- People
- Trump (Donald)
- Title
- Скасувати дурну норму називати владімірів Володимирами. -- Нацкомісія рекомендує розглянути перейменування Запоріжжя. Національна комісія зі стандартів державної мови, яка є центральним органом виконавчої влади, рекомендує розглянути перейменування міста Запоріжжя, зазначивши, що назва міста не відповідає стандартам.
- Translation
- Cancel the silly rule of calling Vladimirs Volodymyrs. -- The National Commission recommends considering the renaming of Zaporizhzhia. The National Commission on State Language Standards, which is the central executive body, recommends considering the renaming of the city of Zaporizhzhia, noting that the city’s name does not meet the standards.[https://focus.ua/eksklyuzivy/575443-pereimenovat-zaporozhe-komu-i-pochemu-ne-ponravilos-nyneshnee-nazvanie-goroda]
- Content Type
- Ukrainian language / literature
- Country
- Ukraine
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- ArtworkScreenshot
- People
- ---
- Title
- - Опитування показують, що в країні спад рівня любові до всього українського. Що робитимемо? - Кршт так: Робимо закон, де український дубляж ніби йде нахй, суспільство прокидається, криє нас хуями та петиціями, а потім ми такі типу «ооо, бля а ми й не думалі». Норм? - Гросмейстер...
- Translation
- - Surveys show that there's a decline in the country's love for everything Ukrainian. What are we going to do? - So basically: We make a law where Ukrainian dubbing is seemingly scrapped, society wakes up, curses us out and starts petitions, and then we’re like, «oh wow, we didn’t even think about that». Sounds good? - Grandmaster... ["In June 2023, a bill for a new law (No. 9432) on the use of English [ru] as one of Ukraine's languages for international communication was introduced by president Zelenskyy.[18] Among other things, the bill encourages use of Ukrainian subtitles rather than dubbing for imported English-language movies." - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Language_policy_in_Ukraine#:~:text=In%20June%202023%2C%20a%20bill,for%20imported%20English%2Dlanguage%20movies.]
- Content Type
- Ukrainian language / literature
- Country
- Ukraine
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Zelensky (Volodymyr) Yermak (Andrii)
- Title
- Джо Байден запропонував хуйнути по бєлґороду смачними салютами на честь Дня Незалежності Сполучених Штатів Америки. Як вам ідея?
- Translation
- Joe Biden suggested fucking Belgorod with tasty fireworks in honor of the United States Independence Day. What do you think of the idea?
- Content Type
- Belgorod events Support for Ukraine (general)
- Country
- Russia, United States
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- News photoStock photo
- People
- Biden (Joe)
- Title
- Дивитися відоси з контрнаступу -- Знімати відоси контрнаступу.
- Translation
- Watching videos of the counteroffensive -- Filming videos of the counteroffensive.
- Content Type
- Ukraine's counteroffensive
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- Film (non-Soviet)
- People
- ---
- Title
- Хлопець, який тобі подобається. Його батя. Його мати. Його дідо. Його кент (контужений). Ти.
- Translation
- The guy you like. His dad. His mom. His grandpa. His buddy (shell-shocked). You.
- Content Type
- Armed Forces (Russia) Prigozhin's mutiny
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- ArtworkNews photo
- People
- Prigozhin (Yevgeny) Shoigu (Sergei)
- Title
- у літніх таборах на Донеччині ахуенно))
- Translation
- in summer camps in Donetsk region, awesome))
- Content Type
- Mobilization / military draft / recruitment in Russia
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- TV show
- People
- ---
- Title
- 500 днів жорстокої, неспровокованої, кривавої війни. 500 днів їбейшого русоріза.
- Translation
- 500 days of brutal, unprovoked, bloody war. 500 days of epic Russian destruction.
- Content Type
- Retreat of Russian forces War progress / outcome (general)
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- Wojak
- People
- ---
- Title
- Обещать всех помирить -- Реально мирить
- Translation
- Promise to make everyone reconcile -- Actually making them reconcile
- Content Type
- Negotiations
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia, United States
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- Stock photo
- People
- Trump (Donald)
- Title
- или вы миритесь или я блин вам такое сделаю капец вы пожалеете не бесите блин давайте там делайте что нибудь
- Translation
- either you make peace or i’ll do something crazy you’ll regret it don’t piss me off just do something over there
- Content Type
- Concessions to Putin / wavering support for Ukraine Negotiations
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia, United States
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Trump (Donald)
- Title
- Выбираем цели СВО на 2025 год: Prize wheel: Борьба с печенегами -- Найти биолаборатории -- Борьба с НАТО -- Денацификация -- Отсутствие гендерно-нейтральных туалетов -- Движуха
- Translation
- Choosing the objectives of the ""special military operation"" for 2025: Prize wheel -- Fighting the Pechenegs -- Finding biolabs -- Fighting NATO -- Denazification -- Absence of gender-neutral toilets -- Some action
- Content Type
- Biolaboratories in Ukraine Russian propaganda and information war"Special military operation" (not a war) War progress / outcome (general) ''Denazifiction''
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia, NATO countries
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- Stock photo
- People
- ---
- Title
- - Сделаю Америку великой, а потом... - Переговоры? -Переговоры? - Когда уже переговоры будут?
- Translation
- - I will make America great, and then... - Negotiations? - Negotiations? - When will the negotiations happen already?
- Content Type
- Negotiations
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia, United States
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- Animal photo
- People
- Trump (Donald)
- Title
- Дни правления Трампа. 1: ща наш трампулечка санкции снимет, кока колу вернет, киев снесет, киткат завезет. -- 2-4: пендос тупой
- Translation
- Days of Trump's rule. 1: Now our dear little Trump will lift the sanctions, bring Coca-Cola back, destroy Kyiv, import Kit-Kat. -- 2-4: Stupid American
- Content Type
- Concessions to Putin / wavering support for Ukraine NegotiationsSanctions and import substitution
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia, United States
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- InfographicsStock photo
- People
- Trump (Donald)
- Title
- тим часом на болотах... - Все в прорубь!
- Translation
- meanwhile, in the swamps... - Everyone into the ice hole! [Re: The Russian tradition to observe Epiphany holiday (January 19) by swimming in icy waters to honor Jesus' baptism.].
- Content Type
- Church 'In the swamps'' (In Russia)
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- Ukrainian, Russian
- Template Type
- Film (Soviet)
- People
- ---
- Title
- Me watching what's burning in Russia.
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Explosions in Russia or on occupied territories
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- Animal photo
- People
- ---
- Title
- Aceitunas verdes - green olives. Putin huesos. Хорошi оливки. Треба брати!!!!
- Translation
- Aceitunas verdes - green olives. Putin is a cocksucker [a play on words based on the Russian edit of Spanish "sin hueso" - pitted (olives)]. Good olives. Gotta get them!!!!
- Content Type
- "Putin khuylo!" Putin (general)
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- Ukrainian, Spanish
- Template Type
- Branding
- People
- Putin (Vladimir)
- Title
- В Лос-Анджелесі то не я! Веду трансляцію з воронезької області. Тут все як я люблю! Щойно прибув з енгельса.
- Translation
- It's wasn't me in Los Angeles! I’m broadcasting from the Voronezh region. Everything here is just the way I like it! Just arrived from Engels.
- Content Type
- Explosions in Russia or on occupied territories
- Country
- Russia, United States
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- News photoPoltava arsonist
- People
- ---
- Title
- - Можна питання? - Питай, дитя моє. - Чому Лос Анжелес, а не Москва?
- Translation
- - Can I ask a question? - Ask away, my child. - Why Los Angeles and not Moscow? [Re: January 2025 Southern California wildfires].
- Content Type
- Desintegration / disappearance of Russia in the future End of the Putin regime
- Country
- Russia, United States
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- Artwork
- People
- Jesus Christ
- Title
- В Госдуме призвали готовиться к мобилизации для войны против Запада. -- Росіяне які вже "взяли" Кієв за трi дня.
- Translation
- The State Duma called to prepare for mobilization for the war against the West. -- Russians who already "took" Kyiv in three days.
- Content Type
- "Kyiv in 3 days" Mobilization / military draft / recruitment in Russia
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia, European Union, NATO countries
- Language
- Ukrainian, Russian
- Template Type
- Animal photoScreenshot
- People
- ---
- Title
- Русский солдат помогает женщине нести велосипед. Берлин. 1945 г.
- Translation
- A Russian soldier helps a woman carry a bicycle. Berlin, 1945.
- Content Type
- Armed Forces (Russia) Marauding
- Country
- Russia, Germany, USSR
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- Historical photo
- People
- ---
- Title
- The Moscow Times. В РПЦ заявили, что война в Украине началась из-за мастурбации. Вавсьом вiнавати укрАiнськіє нєомастурбанацисти!!!
- Translation
- The Moscow Times. The Russian Orthodox Church claimed that the war in Ukraine started because of masturbation. -- It’s all the fault of Ukrainians neomasturbationaziis!!!
- Content Type
- Russian propaganda and information war"Denazification"
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- Ukrainian, Russian
- Template Type
- ScreenshotMisc. classical meme
- People
- ---
- Title
- Reuters: НПЗ «Лукойла» в Волгоградской области остановил работу одной из двух установок гидроочистки после пожара. Reuters: НПЗ «Лукойла» в Волгоградской области остановил работу одной из двух установок гидроочистки после пожара - Meduza. -- Коли якраз збирались їх "задронити", а воно згоріло само.
- Translation
- Reuters: Lukoil’s refinery in the Volgograd region shut down one of its two hydrotreatment units after a fire. Reuters: Lukoil’s refinery in the Volgograd region shut down one of its two hydrotreatment units after a fire - Meduza. -- When you were just about to “drone” them, but it burned down by itself.
- Content Type
- Explosions in Russia or on occupied territories Russian gas / oil
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- Ukrainian, Russian
- Template Type
- ScreenshotMisc. classical meme
- People
- ---
- Title
- Russia army suffering high losses. [On photo: DJ Khaled].
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Armed Forces (Russia) War progress / outcome (general)
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- Performer publicity photo
- People
- ---
- Title
- "God punishes us with these 'HIMARS' because of abortions". Russian priest Andrey Tkachev, 2025. And just like that, Armed Forces of Ukraine and Lockheed Martin products became the hand of God. [Lockheed Martin is an American manufacturer of weapons, including HIMARS].
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Armed Forces (Ukraine) Church Lend-Lease and other military assistance to Ukraine Russian propaganda and information war
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia, United States
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- Film (non-Soviet)News photo
- People
- ---
- Title
- Я шукаю... Подарункова плитонска Дед (плитонска PRO). Колір сумка діда. Код: 458758244.
- Translation
- I'm looking for... Gift tactical vest Grandpa (vest PRO). Color: Grandpa’s bag. Code: 458758244.[Ukr. for tactical vest is literally "hot plate carrier"].
- Content Type
- Armed Forces (Ukraine)
- Country
- Ukraine
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- ScreenshotBranding
- People
- ---
- Title
- Холодно, тобі? Дуже! А тому що зимові Талани треба одягати, а не Лову, модник ти тактикульний!
- Translation
- Are you cold? Very! That’s because you should wear winter Talans, not Lowa, you tactical fashionista! [Both brands of tactical/military boots.]
- Content Type
- Armed Forces (Ukraine)
- Country
- Ukraine
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- Film (Soviet)
- People
- ---
- Title
- ФСБ внесла в список "террористических" организаций несуществующие "Белгородскую Народную Республику" (БНР) и "Курскую Народную Республику" (КНР). Обе "республики" — украинские мемы. Они были созданы как сатира в ответ на провозглашение так называемых "ДНР" и "ЛНР". У "БНР" даже есть страничка в "Википедии". "КНР" пока получила только страницу на Fandom — хостинге вики-сайтов на развлекательные темы. Белгородская народная республика. - Ето ти очєнь круто прiдумал!
- Translation
- The FSB included the non-existent "Belgorod People's Republic" (BPR) and "Kursk People's Republic" (KPR) in the list of "terrorist" organizations. Both "republics" are Ukrainian memes. They were created as satire in response to the proclamation of the so-called "DPR" and "LPR." The "BPR" even has a page on Wikipedia. The "KPR" has so far only received a page on Fandom, a hosting platform for wiki sites on entertainment topics. Belgorod republic of people. - That idea of yours is so cool!
- Content Type
- Belgorod events Ukraine's counteroffensive
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- Ukrainian, Russian
- Template Type
- Couple in bedInsignia and decorationsScreenshot
- People
- Putin (Vladimir) Kabaeva (Alina)
- Title
- - У вас інтєрнєт єсть!? - Єсть! (Зачєм я соврал? А зачєм он спросіл?)
- Translation
- - Do you have internet!? - Yes! (Why did I lie? Why did he ask?)
- Content Type
- Failing infrastructure in Russia Russian propaganda and information war
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- Ukrainian, Russian
- Template Type
- Film (Soviet)
- People
- ---
- Title
- Рунет упал — фиксируются сбои на множестве сайтов. - Он нам i на**й не нужен, інтирнет ваш.
- Translation
- Runet is down — disruptions are being reported on multiple websites. - We don’t give a f**ck about your internet.
- Content Type
- Failing infrastructure in Russia Russian propaganda and information war
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- Ukrainian, Russian
- Template Type
- ScreenshotWe don't give a fuck about...
- People
- ---
- Title
- Рунет обвалюється майже в нуль. Капітан рускага корабля, який якорем перерізав не той кабель:
- Translation
- Runet collapses almost to zero. The captain of the Russian ship, who cut the wrong cable with the anchor:
- Content Type
- Failing infrastructure in Russia Russian propaganda and information war
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- TV show
- People
- ---
- Title
- Release the anti-drone cats! [A cat takes out drone in Ukraine, according to a video posted on January 3, 2025: https://uk.news.yahoo.com/stray-cat-takes-down-drone-000000988.html]
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Ukrainian combat birds/mosquitos/etc.
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- Film (non-Soviet)
- People
- ---
- Title
- [Ukrainian Armed Forces enlist a scooter and a cat. In the Leningrad region, a cat accidentally killed its owner by scratching his leg.]
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Armed Forces (Ukraine) Assassination by scooter
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- n/a
- Template Type
- Flork of Cows
- People
- Kirillov (Igor)
- Title
- Ты Буданова поздравил? Бля забыл, нам пи*да.
- Translation
- Did you congratulate Budanov? Damn I forgot, we’re scr*wed. [Meme published on January 4, K. Budanov's birthday.]
- Content Type
- Ukraine's heroes (individual)
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- News photoStock photo
- People
- Putin (Vladimir) Budanov (Kyrylo) Shoigu (Sergei)
- Title
- Пігдогївський Дед Мароз. Українські діти.
- Translation
- The pigdog [i.e. Russian] Father Frost. — Ukrainian children.
- Content Type
- New Year / Christmas / St. Nicholas Day "Pigdogs" (Russians)
- Country
- Ukraine
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- Artwork
- People
- ---
- Title
- Хтивки набирають 1к лайків за 3 хвилини. Подивимось скільки набере цей напівоголений касетний снаряд
- Translation
- Naked photos get 1k likes in 3 minutes. Let's see how many this half-naked cluster munition gets
- Content Type
- Armed Forces (Ukraine)
- Country
- Ukraine
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- War photo
- People
- ---
- Title
- только 2 из 5 мужчин счастливы
- Translation
- only 2 out of 5 men are happy [Putin congratulated Lukashenko with winning presidential elections 2025.]
- Content Type
- Russia's allies
- Country
- Russia, Belarus
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- News photoStock photo
- People
- Putin (Vladimir) Lukashenko (Alexander)
- Title
- [Diminutive Putin sits on Lukashenko's leg].
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Lukashenko (general) Putin (general)
- Country
- Russia, Belarus
- Language
- n/a
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Putin (Vladimir) Lukashenko (Alexander)
- Title
- [I. Kobzon is waiting for T. Keosaian and M. Boiarskii, both of whom are rumored to be gravely ill].
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Death / killing / grave illness rumours
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- n/a
- Template Type
- News photoPerformer publicity photo
- People
- Kobzon (Iosif) Boyarskiy (Mikhail)Keosayan (Tigran)
- Title
- - А це горить нафтобаза біля аеродрому енгельс! - Кросівоє...
- Translation
- - That's the oil depot burning near Engels airfield! - Purdy...
- Content Type
- Explosions in Russia or on occupied territories Russian gas / oil
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- Misc. classical meme
- People
- ---
- Title
- Нє сси, пока Тігранчіка іщу! -- Pampers.
- Translation
- Don't freak out, I'm looking for Tigran! -- Pampers.
- Content Type
- Death / killing / grave illness rumours Kobzon's concert Putin soils his pants
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- ArtworkStock photo
- People
- Putin (Vladimir) Kobzon (Iosif) Keosayan (Tigran)
- Title
- - А Кеосаян гдє? - Врачi говорят ужє на подходє!
- Translation
- - And where is Keosayan? - The doctors say he's already on the way!
- Content Type
- Death / killing / grave illness rumours Kobzon's concert
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Kobzon (Iosif) Keosayan (Tigran) Zhirinovsky (Vladimir)
- Title
- If you want to go shopping on the Côte d’Azur despite an international arrest warrant
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Putin (general) War crimes tribunal
- Country
- Russia, United States
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Putin (Vladimir) Trump (Melania)
- Title
- Йозеф Геббельс вручает награды Рейха бандеровцам из дивизии СС Галичина... Ой, нет, это же русские донские казаки!
- Translation
- Joseph Goebbels awards Reich decorations to the Bandera members of the SS Division Galicia... Oh, no, these are Russian Don Cossacks!
- Content Type
- Russian propaganda and information war"Denazification"
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia, Germany
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- Historical photo
- People
- Goebbels (Joseph)
- Title
- Kremlin propaganda -- Reality
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Russian propaganda and information war
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- Stock photo
- People
- ---
- Title
- - Ти ж сам прохав називати тебе в ліжку брудними словами... - Але ж не ухилянтом...
- Translation
- - But you yourself asked to be called dirty names in bed... - But not a draft dodger...
- Content Type
- Mobilization / military draft / recruitment in Ukraine
- Country
- Ukraine
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- Stock photo
- People
- ---
- Title
- Ну что белобрысый, у тебя есть 24 часа, чтобы закончить войну... время пошло.
- Translation
- Well, blondie, you have 24 hours to end the war... time has started.
- Content Type
- Negotiations
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia, United States
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Trump (Donald)
- Title
- В развитых странах обсуждают свои проблемы, а в недоразвитых проблемы развитых
- Translation
- In developed countries, they discuss their own problems, while in underdeveloped countries, they discuss the problems of the developed ones
- Content Type
- Russian propaganda and information war
- Country
- Russia, European Union, NATO countries
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Kiselev (Dmitrii) Skabeeva (Ol'ga)
- Title
- - Расскажи анекдот - Что? - Извините, по привычке
- Translation
- - Tell me a joke - What? - Sorry, just a habit
- Content Type
- Zelensky (general)
- Country
- Ukraine, United States
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Zelensky (Volodymyr) Trump (Donald)
- Title
- Сразу после перерезания пуповины медсестра бьёт ребёнка за то, что он не знает, сколько баз НАТО окружило Россию
- Translation
- Right after cutting the umbilical cord, the nurse hits the baby because it doesn't know how many NATO bases have surrounded Russia [The authorities of the Vologda region in Russia were the first in the country to introduce weekly 'Conversations about Important Matters' in kindergartens.]
- Content Type
- European Union / NATO / United NationsRussian propaganda and information war
- Country
- Russia, NATO countries
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- Artwork
- People
- ---
- Title
- Инструмент дворника -- Инструмент плотника -- Инструмент слесаря -- Инструмент генерала
- Translation
- Janitor's tool -- Carpenter's tool -- Locksmith's tool -- General's tool [the saw used for "sawing off" portions of the budget funds]
- Content Type
- Armed Forces (Russia) Corruption / embezzlement
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- InfographicsStock photo
- People
- ---
- Title
- - Nein! Иein! Nein! - Take it, bro - Thanks, pals
- Translation
- - No! No! No! - Take it, bro - Thanks, pals
- Content Type
- Concessions to Putin / wavering support for Ukraine Lend-Lease and other military assistance to Ukraine
- Country
- Ukraine, Germany, Great Britain, Lithuania, Estonia
- Language
- English, German
- Template Type
- WojakChad
- People
- ---
- Title
- - Кто ты? - Я истребитель БНР - Так ведь её не существует - Не благодари
- Translation
- - Who are you? - I'm a fighter against the BNR - But it doesn't exist - You’re welcome [In Russia, the non-existent memetic 'Belgorod People's Republic' was declared a terrorist movement.]
- Content Type
- Belgorod events Russian opposition Russian propaganda and information war
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- Stock photo
- People
- ---
- Title
- Западная цивилизация - Иранский путь - Россия
- Translation
- Western civilization - Iranian path - Russia [Russia and Iran are planning to sign a treaty on comprehensive strategic partnership.]
- Content Type
- Russia's alliesRussia (general)
- Country
- Russia, European Union, NATO countries, Iran
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- Stock photo
- People
- ---
- Title
- А мог бы это время потратить на борьбу с Путиным!
- Translation
- You could have spent this time to fight against Putin! [A quote from a Russian opposition activist and ex-political prisoner Ilya Yashin that went viral on X.]
- Content Type
- Russian opposition
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Yashin (Ilya)Bolt (Usain)
- Title
- Может лучше потратишь десятки часов на борьбу с Путиным, антивоенное просвещение, помощь политзаключенным или что-то вроде того??
- Translation
- Perhaps it would be better to spend dozens of hours fighting against Putin, anti-war enlightenment, helping political prisoners, or something like that?? [A quote from a Russian opposition activist and ex-political prisoner Ilya Yashin that went viral on X.]
- Content Type
- Russian opposition
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- Screaming Prigozhin
- People
- Prigozhin (Yevgeny) Yashin (Ilya)
- Title
- Так! виглядає моя Україна: I сорт. -- III сорт.
- Translation
- This is how my Ukraine looks like: I grade -- III grade [contains Western Russian territories]
- Content Type
- Desintegration / disappearance of Russia in the future Ukraine (general)
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- Map
- People
- ---
- Title
- Україна будує підземні заводи з виробництва зброї – Зеленський.
- Translation
- Ukraine is building underground weapons factories – Zelensky.
- Content Type
- Ukraine (general) Zelensky (general)
- Country
- Ukraine
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- News photoGame
- People
- Zelensky (Volodymyr)
- Title
- [Zelensky (Volodymyr), Shmyhal (Denys), Yermak (Andrii) and Arakhamia (Davyd) / Braun (David) as members of the rock band from Bocchi the Rock! manga.]
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Ukraine's heroes (individual)
- Country
- Ukraine
- Language
- n/a
- Template Type
- News photoTV show
- People
- Zelensky (Volodymyr) Shmyhal (Denys) Yermak (Andrii) Arakhamia (Davyd) / Braun (David)
- Title
- В Госдуме призвали взорвать ядерную бомбу в России, чтобы "человечество задумалось". В Госдуме призвали взорвать ядерную бомбу в России, чтобы "человечество задумал... Беремо і робимо.
- Translation
- In the State Duma, they called for detonating a nuclear bomb in Russia so that "humanity would reflect". In the State Duma, they called for detonating a nuclear bomb in Russia so that "humanity would refle... Let's get straight to it.
- Content Type
- Explosions in Russia or on occupied territories Nuclear threat
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- Ukrainian, Russian
- Template Type
- War photo
- People
- ---
- Title
- Я підірвав моторолу. -- Бро, треба тренуватися)
- Translation
- I blew up Motorola. -- Bro, you need to work out more) [Petro Poroshenko highlights his involvement in the 2016 assassination of Arseny Pavlov ("Motorola"), a commander of Russian-backed separatist forces in Ukraine's Donetsk region, though this achievement in eliminating "only one Motorola" is downplayed in comparison to the large-scale use of exploding pagers by Israeli forces against Hezbollah in Lebanon on September 17–18, 2024.].
- Content Type
- Active Poroshenko
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia, Israel
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Poroshenko (Petro) Motorola / Pavlov (Arsen)
- Title
- Відчуваєш запах? Це Київ, синку. Більше ніщо у світі не пахне так. Я люблю запах Києва зранку.
- Translation
- Do you smell that? It's Kyiv, son. Nothing else in the world smells like that. I love the smell of Kyiv in the morning.
- Content Type
- War progress / outcome (general)
- Country
- Ukraine
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- Film (non-Soviet)
- People
- ---
- Title
- Мьi то отсосем в Торопце и сплюнем, но хохльiьi еще долго с кратера от нашего сарамата уссьiкатся будут. -- Сармат.
- Translation
- We might suck it up in Toropets and spit it out, but the Ukrainians will be peeing themselves from the crater made by our saramat [missile system] for a long time. -- Sarmat.
- Content Type
- Russian propaganda and information warUkraine's counteroffensive
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- Ukrainian, Russian
- Template Type
- Branding News photo
- People
- Putin (Vladimir)
- Title
- Rich. Змусив полонених пошити в підвалі. Забрав з пятьорочки в суджи. Зняв з трупа прiгожина. Poor $6.500. $4.100. $5.000. $3.200.
- Translation
- Rich. Forced prisoners to sew in the basement. Took from the Pyaterochka [Russian supermarket] in Sudzha. Took off from Prigozhin's corpse. Poor $6.500. $4.100. $5.000. $3.200.
- Content Type
- Zelensky's style War progress / outcome (general)
- Country
- Ukraine, United States
- Language
- Ukrainian, Russian, English
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Zelensky (Volodymyr) Biden (Joe) Prigozhin (Yevgeny)
- Title
- [Zelensky and Biden smile]
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Support for Ukraine (general)
- Country
- Ukraine, United States
- Language
- n/a
- Template Type
- ArtworkNews photo
- People
- Zelensky (Volodymyr) Biden (Joe)
- Title
- Флоридці, годі випрошувати українські гроші з бюджету США на свої урагани. Знайдіть собі свою америку. -- Stop.
- Translation
- Floridians, stop begging for Ukrainian money from the U.S. budget for your hurricanes. Find your own America. -- Stop.
- Content Type
- Support for Ukraine (general)
- Country
- Ukraine, United States
- Language
- Ukrainian, English
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Schwarzenegger (Arnold)
- Title
- Не переймайтесь, ми сповідуємо політику відкритих дверей вступу в НАТО -- Неадекватно -- A -- Також по-дебiльному -- Обiцяємо та морочимо голову.
- Translation
- Don't worry, we adhere to the open-door policy of NATO entry -- No sense -- A -- Twice as stupid -- Only promises and confusion
- Content Type
- European Union / NATO / United Nations
- Country
- Ukraine, NATO countries
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Stoltenberg (Jens)
- Title
- Похуй на NATO OTAN. Від дохлих генералів кайфуйте хоч.
- Translation
- Don't give a shit about NATO OTAN. At least enjoy the dead generals.
- Content Type
- Armed Forces (Russia) European Union / NATO / United NationsZelensky (general)
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia, NATO countries
- Language
- Ukrainian, English
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Zelensky (Volodymyr) Tsokov (Oleg)
- Title
- Щастя за гроші не купиш! 1,476,000
- Translation
- You can't buy happiness with money! 1,476,000 [an ATACMS missile]
- Content Type
- Lend-Lease and other military assistance to Ukraine
- Country
- Ukraine, United States
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- ---
- Title
- Даєш Україні зброю. Очікування. Перш за все, щиро дякую ще раз Щиро Дякую. Дякую. Дякую ще раз Дякую вам Дякую ще раз Дякую ще раз Щиро Дякую Щиро Дякую Щиро дякую. -- Реальність. Iще.
- Translation
- You give weapons to Ukraine. Expectations. First of all, I sincerely thank you once again. Sincerely, thank you. Thank you. Thank you again. Thank you. Thank you once again. Thank you once again. Sincerely, thank you. Sincerely, thank you. Sincerely, thank you. -- Reality. More.
- Content Type
- Lend-Lease and other military assistance to Ukraine Zelensky (general)
- Country
- Ukraine
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- News photoGame
- People
- Zelensky (Volodymyr)
- Title
- Будут в восторге от вашего стола простые идеи / сервировка ст... 28 тис переглядів. 1 рiк тому.
- Translation
- They will be delighted with your table simple ideas / table setting... 28 thousand views. 1 year ago.
- Content Type
- Russians not valuing lives of their soldiers
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- Ukrainian, Russian
- Template Type
- ScreenshotStock photo
- People
- ---
- Title
- Окупанти: Кримський міст не працює. Їдьте через Чонгар. -- Чонгарський міст сьогодні вночі:
- Translation
- Occupiers: The Crimean Bridge is not working. Go through Chonhar. -- The Chonhar Bridge last night:
- Content Type
- Crimea (explosions etc.) Kerch bridge to Crimea
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- Film (non-Soviet)
- People
- ---
- Title
- Мотиваційний лист... чи шось типу. Вибачте, не шарю у вступі до закладу вищої освіти.
- Translation
- Motivational letter... or something like that. Sorry, I am not good at figuring out applying to higher education institutions. [In Ukraine, students at higher education institutions receive a deferment from mobilization.]
- Content Type
- Mobilization / military draft / recruitment in Ukraine
- Country
- Ukraine
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- Stock photo
- People
- ---
- Title
- 10 год тюрми...
- Translation
- 10 years of prison...
- Content Type
- Armed Forces (Russia) Russian opposition
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- News photoScreenshot
- People
- Strelkov / Girkin (Igor)
- Title
- гнів українців -- Безугла -- всі довбойоби верховної ради
- Translation
- The anger of Ukrainians -- Bezuhla -- all idiots of the Verkhovna Rada [Ukrainian parliament]
- Content Type
- Politics (Ukraine)
- Country
- Ukraine
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- Animal photo
- People
- Bezuhla (Maryana)
- Title
- Русич спит после обеда. Снится русичу победа
- Translation
- A Rusich [Russian] sleeps after lunch. А Rusich dreams of victory
- Content Type
- War news - dealing with them
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- Animal photo
- People
- ---
- Title
- 09:43 Польща вкотре підняла свої винищувачі на тлі масованого російського обстрілу України. - На цьому моя робота закінчена - Але ж ти нічого не зробив
- Translation
- 09:43 Poland once again scrambled its fighters against the backdrop of massive Russian shelling of Ukraine. - My work here is done - But you didn't do anything
- Content Type
- Concessions to Putin / wavering support for Ukraine
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia, Poland
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- Misc. classical meme
- People
- ---
- Title
- Працівник російського НПЗ, коли гудіння стає гучнішим і над головою з'являються вотермарки лайноканалів
- Translation
- A Russian oil refinery worker, when the humming gets louder and watermarks of shit-channels appear overhead. [Ukraine strikes Russia's oil refineries.]
- Content Type
- Explosions in Russia or on occupied territories Russian gas / oil
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- Animal photo
- People
- ---
- Title
- Обожнюю це шоу, як там його... Руйнівники Курська.
- Translation
- I love this show, what's it called... The Destroyers of Kursk.
- Content Type
- Armed Forces (Ukraine) Ukraine's counteroffensive
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- TV show
- People
- ---
- Title
- NATO. NATO. NATO. NATO. Friend of NATO. Shitty Russia. Friend of NATO.
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- European Union / NATO / United NationsRussia (general) Ukraine (general)
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia, NATO countries, Georgia, Turkey
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- Map
- People
- ---
- Title
- Україна рекордно експортує цукор. Поляк старається, щоб не заблокувати кордон.
- Translation
- Ukraine exports sugar at record levels. Polish tries not to block the border.
- Content Type
- Concessions to Putin / wavering support for Ukraine Economic impact of the war
- Country
- Ukraine, Poland
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- Misc. classical meme
- People
- ---
- Title
- Select all images with Used Putin's condoms. Click verify once there are none left. Please select once there are none left.
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Concessions to Putin / wavering support for Ukraine Russia's allies
- Country
- Russia, Belarus, Germany, United States, Hungary, Slovakia
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- News photoScreenshotStock photo
- People
- Putin (Vladimir) Fico (Robert) Lukashenko (Alexander) Orban (Viktor) Trump (Donald)Schröder (Gerhard)
- Title
- Vatniks are that way... Lets go shit on them! [Vatnik (wadded jacket) is a negative nickname for people who support the modern political regime in Russia]
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Russian propaganda and information war
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- Animal photo
- People
- ---
- Title
- [Russian soldier is scared and surrounded by drones].
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Air-defense (Russia) Armed Forces (Russia) Armed Forces (Ukraine)
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- n/a
- Template Type
- Piper Perri surroundedWojak
- People
- ---
- Title
- Sending love and bubbles to Putin's air defense systems, wherever they're pretending to be right now.
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Air-defense (Russia) Putin (general)
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- News photoStock photo
- People
- Putin (Vladimir)
- Title
- The greatest russian hero. Amazing blyatman.
- Translation
- The greatest russian hero. Amazing fuckman.
- Content Type
- Armed Forces (Russia)
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- Russian, English
- Template Type
- Stock photo
- People
- ---
- Title
- Russians are looking for nazis.
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- "Denazification"
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- Stock photo
- People
- ---
- Title
- так и напісав - "довбойоб"
- Translation
- He wrote it exactly like this - a "dumbass" ["Dumbass" (Ukr. "dovboyob") is the term used by Zelensky to describe Putin after the latter has named "boredom" and" desire for some action" as reasons for the war, during his yearly press conference / Direct line event, on December 19, 2024.]
- Content Type
- Putin (general) Zelensky (general)
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- Stock photo
- People
- Putin (Vladimir) Zelensky (Volodymyr)
- Title
- Кеосаяяяяяян
- Translation
- Keosayaaaaaan
- Content Type
- Death / killing / grave illness rumours Kobzon's concert Russian propaganda and information war
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- Performer publicity photo
- People
- Kobzon (Iosif) Keosayan (Tigran)
- Title
- Нам этот Кеосаян нахуй не нужон!
- Translation
- We don't fucking need that Keosayan at all! [Russian propagandist Tigran Keosayan reported to be in coma in January 2025].
- Content Type
- Death / killing / grave illness rumours Russian propaganda and information warWar news - dealing with them
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- We don't give a fuck about...
- People
- Keosayan (Tigran)
- Title
- ГУР повідомляє, що йому вперше в історії вдалося збити російський гелікоптер за допомогою морського безекіпажного дрона. Iсторичне вiдео.
- Translation
- The Defense Intelligence of Ukraine reports that for the first time in history, it has managed to shoot down a Russian helicopter with the help of a maritime unmanned drone. Historical video.
- Content Type
- War progress / outcome (general) Kobzon's concert
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- Performer publicity photoWar photo
- People
- Kobzon (Iosif)
- Title
- - Ну наконєц-то мы отключiлi бєндєрам газ! - Дебилы, б****ь
- Translation
- - Well, we finally cut off the gas to the Benderites! - F*cking morons [On January 1, 2025, Russia cut off gas supplies to Moldova's separatist, pro-Russian Transnistria region, citing an alleged $709 million debt for previous deliveries to Moldova.]
- Content Type
- Russian gas / oil Russian propaganda and information war
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- Ukrainian, Russian
- Template Type
- Stock photoNews photo
- People
- Lavrov (Sergei)
- Title
- ПМР -- ПМР -- Рашка.
- Translation
- Transnistria Moldovan Republic -- Transnistria Moldovan Republic -- Russia [On January 1, 2025, Russia cut off gas supplies to Moldova's separatist, pro-Russian Transnistria region, citing an alleged $709 million debt for previous deliveries to Moldova.]
- Content Type
- Russian gas / oil
- Country
- Russia, Moldova
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- Misc. classical meme
- People
- ---
- Title
- Сектор Газа — Сектор без газа.
- Translation
- The Gaza Strip — The Gasless Strip. [the picture of Transnistria on the right.]
- Content Type
- Russian gas / oil
- Country
- Russia, Palestine, Moldova, Israel
- Language
- Russian, English
- Template Type
- Map
- People
- ---
- Title
- - Ты уже съел свой горох? - Все 10 мешков! - Газу для Орбана, Фіцо та Придністров'я - бути!
- Translation
- - Have you eaten your peas yet? - All 10 bags of them! - Gas for Orbán, Fico, and Transnistria - it's happening!
- Content Type
- Russia's alliesRussian gas / oil
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia, Hungary, Slovakia, Moldova
- Language
- Ukrainian, Russian
- Template Type
- Artwork
- People
- Fico (Robert) Orban (Viktor)
- Title
- Усё, давитесь своим газом!
- Translation
- That's it, choke on your own gas!
- Content Type
- Russian gas / oil
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia, European Union
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- Stock photo
- People
- ---
- Title
- Мініатюра: угорщина словаччина придністров’я і газова труба.
- Translation
- Miniature: Hungary, Slovakia, Transnistria, and the gas pipe.
- Content Type
- Russia's alliesRussian gas / oil
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia, Hungary, Slovakia, Moldova
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- Film (non-Soviet)Stock photo
- People
- ---
- Title
- Який ти сьогоднi Степан?
- Translation
- Which Stepan are you today?
- Content Type
- Ukraine (general)
- Country
- Ukraine
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- Animal photoHistorical photoPerformer publicity photo
- People
- Bandera (Stepan) Stepan (cat) Hiha (Stepan),
- Title
- - Give me Alaska, it belongs to Russia - Sure thing buddy, I never liked it anyway
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Concessions to Putin / wavering support for Ukraine
- Country
- Russia, United States
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Putin (Vladimir) Trump (Donald)
- Title
- - What happened? - Putin invaded us and murdered our children - Can't you find a way to just get along? - Are you dowboyob? [Volodymyr Zelensky gave an interview to Lex Fridman in January, 2025. Just a few days prior to that, Zelensky called Putin a 'dovboyob' that in Ukrainian means a 'dumbass'.]
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Concessions to Putin / wavering support for Ukraine Putin (general) War progress / outcome (general) Zelensky (general)
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia, United States
- Language
- Ukrainian, English
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Putin (Vladimir) Zelensky (Volodymyr) Fridman (Lex)
- Title
- - What happened? - Putin invaded us and murdered our children - Can't you find a way to just get along? [Volodymyr Zelensky gave an interview to Lex Fridman in January, 2025.]
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Concessions to Putin / wavering support for Ukraine
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia, United States
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Putin (Vladimir) Zelensky (Volodymyr) Fridman (Lex)
- Title
- Discussing Russian Imperialism: With Eastern Europeans - With Western Europeans - With Americans
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Russia (general)
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia, European Union, United States
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- ArtworkStock photoChad
- People
- ---
- Title
- Обговорення російського імперіалізму: Зі східними європейцями — З західними європейцями — З Лексом Фрідманом
- Translation
- Discussing Russian imperialism: With Eastern Europeans — With Western Europeans — With Lex Fridman [Volodymyr Zelensky gave an interview to Lex Fridman in January, 2025.]
- Content Type
- Russia (general) Zelensky (general)
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia, European Union, United States
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- ArtworkStock photoChad
- People
- Zelensky (Volodymyr) Fridman (Lex)
- Title
- Гра Змійка: На Nokia -- На Stryker
- Translation
- Snake Game: On Nokia — On Stryker [Re: Ukrainian Stryker tank runs over a Russian soldier in a field near Kursk. https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidaxe/2025/01/06/the-crew-of-a-ukrainian-stryker-turned-the-vehicle-into-a-weapon-and-ran-over-at-least-one-hapless-russian/]
- Content Type
- Armed Forces (Russia) Armed Forces (Ukraine)
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- Stock photoWar photoGame
- People
- ---
- Title
- - We should invade Greenland and Panama - Hell yea! [A person in a MAGA cap] — - We should help Ukraine defend itself - Nooo! That's pro-war
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Concessions to Putin / wavering support for Ukraine
- Country
- Ukraine, United States, Denmark, Panama
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- WojakChad
- People
- Trump (Donald)
- Title
- Both chimpanzees and humans are known to wage wars over territories and resources.
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Putin (general)
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- Animal photoNews photoInfographics
- People
- Putin (Vladimir)
- Title
- росія веде третій рік повномасштабну війну з Україною, погрожує світу єдерними ударами, на близькому сході війна, іран створює ядерну бомбу, китай збирається напасти на тайвань, північна корея погрожує світу, та приймає участь у війні з Україною трамп: а давайте доєбемося до канади
- Translation
- Russia is conducting a full-scale war with Ukraine for the third year, threatening the world with nuclear strikes, there is war in the Middle East, Iran is creating a nuclear bomb, China is planning to attack Taiwan, North Korea is threatening the world, and is participating in the war with Ukraine. Trump: let's fuck Canada
- Content Type
- Concessions to Putin / wavering support for Ukraine War progress / outcome (general)
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia, China, United States, Iran, Taiwan, North Korea, Canada
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- TV show
- People
- Trump (Donald)
- Title
- [Elon Musk as a Russian Army officer.]
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Concessions to Putin / wavering support for Ukraine
- Country
- Russia, United States
- Language
- n/a
- Template Type
- Stock photo
- People
- Musk (Elon)
- Title
- [A Russian mother and daugher are hugging happily next to the body bag containing corpses of a Russian soldier marked with "Z"]
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Body bags (dead Russian soldiers) Z and/or V Russians not valuing lives of their soldiers
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- n/a
- Template Type
- Stock photo
- People
- ---
- Title
- Трамп: після інавгурації за 24 родини я... Заморожу війну в Україні — Розпочну третю світову війну
- Translation
- Trump: 24 hours after the inauguration I will... Freeze the war in Ukraine — Start the third world war
- Content Type
- Negotiations
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia, United States
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- Misc. classical meme
- People
- Trump (Donald)
- Title
- Путін наказав своїм генералам надягнути хрести з його ініціалами і роздав він 19 магічних хрестів: три хрести оркам, сім хрестів гоблінам і дев'ять хрестів свинособакам. Але найбільший та найсильніший хрест лишив собі. хрест «Всеваття».
- Translation
- Putin ordered his generals to wear crosses with his initials and he distributed 19 magical crosses: three crosses to orcs, seven crosses to goblins, and nine crosses to pig-dogs. But he kept the biggest and most powerful cross for himself. The 'One-power-over-vata' cross. ["Vata" or "wadded jacket" is a pejorative name for a propaganda follower in Russia].
- Content Type
- Armed Forces (Russia) Putin (general)
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- Lord of the Rings
- People
- Putin (Vladimir)
- Title
- Бумеры, когда их внук выбросил в мусорку трехнедельный плесневелый хлеб (можно было срезать) — Чьего-то внука выбросили в грязный окоп
- Translation
- Boomers when their grandson threw away three-week-old moldy bread (could have cut off the mold) — Someone's grandson got thrown into a dirty trench
- Content Type
- Russians not valuing lives of their soldiers
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- Misc. classical meme
- People
- ---
- Title
- Panamanians, Greenlanders -- Canadians -- Ukrainians: First time? [Re: D. Trump's suggestion he could use military force to take control of Panama Canal, Greenland and Canada, during his press-conference on Jan. 7, 2025.]
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Resilient UkrainiansWar progress / outcome (general)
- Country
- Ukraine, Canada, Greenland, Panama
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- Film (non-Soviet)
- People
- Trump (Donald)
- Title
- Папа дома!
- Translation
- Daddy is home!
- Content Type
- Body bags (dead Russian soldiers) Z and/or V
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- Stock photo
- People
- ---
- Title
- How Russians look in Polish propaganda: -- How Russians actually look:
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Armed Forces (Russia) POWs Russia (general)
- Country
- Russia, Poland
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- ArtworkNews photo
- People
- ---
- Title
- Хочется движухи
- Translation
- We want some action [Quote from Putin explaining the benefits of the war for Russia during his press conference / Direct line event, December 19, 2024].
- Content Type
- War progress / outcome (general)
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- Artwork
- People
- ---
- Title
- [Ukrainian TV host Dmytro Gordon is likened to Russian political commentator Valerii Solovei, as both make outlandish claims regarding the outcome of the war. On December 29, 2024 Gordon has claimed to have information about a meeting next day that would put an end to the war.]
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- War news - dealing with them
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- n/a
- Template Type
- Peter Parker glasses
- People
- Gordon (Dmitry) Solovei (Valerii)
- Title
- Пусть всё плохое уйдёт в новом году!
- Translation
- Let all the bad things leave in the new year!
- Content Type
- New Year / Christmas / St. Nicholas Day Russian propaganda and information warWar progress / outcome (general)
- Country
- Russia, Belarus
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- Historical photo
- People
- Putin (Vladimir) Kadyrov (Ramzan) Lukashenko (Alexander) Simon'ian (Margarita)
- Title
- What happened? -- Putin invaded us and murdered our children. -- Can't you find a way to just get along?
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Concessions to Putin / wavering support for Ukraine NegotiationsWar progress / outcome (general)
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- TV show
- People
- Zelensky (Volodymyr) Fridman (Lex)
- Title
- I burnt your home so we can live together
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Russian propaganda and information warWar progress / outcome (general)
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- Stock photo
- People
- ---
- Title
- Ми началі войну штоби нє било войни
- Translation
- We started the war so that there would be no war
- Content Type
- Russian propaganda and information war
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- Ukrainian, Russian
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Putin (Vladimir)
- Title
- Президент підписав указ про зниження курсу рубля
- Translation
- The president signed a decree on lowering the ruble exchange rate
- Content Type
- Economic impact of the war Zelensky (general)
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Zelensky (Volodymyr)
- Title
- Президент могутньої країни та два якихось ноунейма
- Translation
- The president of a powerful country and two some nobodies
- Content Type
- Zelensky (general)
- Country
- Ukraine, France, United States
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Zelensky (Volodymyr) Macron (Emmanuel) Trump (Donald)
- Title
- Ростовчанам не нужны нахлебники из Сирии
- Translation
- People of Rostov do not need freeloaders from Syria
- Content Type
- Russia's alliesRussian collaborators in Ukraine
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia, Syria
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- Stock photo
- People
- Yanukovych (Viktor) al-Assad (Bashar)
- Title
- Мы здесь власть!
- Translation
- We are the power here!
- Content Type
- Obedient Russians
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- Artwork
- People
- ---
- Title
- [Putin prostitutes himself to Kim Jong Un].
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Putin (general) Russia's allies
- Country
- Russia, North Korea
- Language
- n/a
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Putin (Vladimir) Kim Jong Un
- Title
- When you have been practising dodging drones by diving to the ground and rolling, forgetting the fact that those drones don't need to directly hit their targets to explode. Hours of academy training wasted!
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- War progress / outcome (general)
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- Film (non-Soviet)
- People
- ---
- Title
- When you have been practising dodging drones by diving to the ground and rolling, forgetting the fact that those drones don't need to directly hit their targets to explode. Years of academy training wasted!
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- War progress / outcome (general)
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- Film (non-Soviet)
- People
- ---
- Title
- You see, the Jurassic extinction event happened because we Russians have dicks as tiny as this.
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Tucker Carlson interviews Putin
- Country
- Russia, United States
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Putin (Vladimir) Carlson (Tucker)
- Title
- This is refinery [Ukraine strikes refineries in various cities in Russia]
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Explosions in Russia or on occupied territories Russian gas / oil
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia, Soviet Union
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- This is fine
- People
- ---
- Title
- This is refinery [Ukraine strikes refineries in various cities in Russia]
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Explosions in Russia or on occupied territories Russian gas / oil
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- This is fine
- People
- ---
- Title
- Putin: Running away -- Is this a victory?
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Putin (general) War progress / outcome (general)
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- Misc. classical meme
- People
- Putin (Vladimir)
- Title
- Ivan the terrible. Peter the great. Vladimir the weak.
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Putin (general)
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- Artwork
- People
- Putin (Vladimir) Ivan the TerriblePeter the Great
- Title
- Ukraine did it. -- Suicide by scooter. -- Russian propagandist
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Assassination by scooter Russian propaganda and information war
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- Two buttons
- People
- Kirillov (Igor)
- Title
- It has been 0 days since last pepsified moscovian general.
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Armed Forces (Russia)
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Kirillov (Igor)
- Title
- This amuses me
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Armed Forces (Ukraine) Ukraine's heroes (individual)
- Country
- Ukraine
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Budanov (Kyrylo)
- Title
- Your meme. -- If vatniks could read, they'd be very upsetp ["Vatnik": Russian propaganda follower].
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Memes (yes - memes about memes!) Russian propaganda and information war
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- CartoonTV show
- People
- ---
- Title
- Shoigu! Gerasimov! Where is the fucking butter
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Armed Forces (Russia) Economic impact of the war
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- Screaming Prigozhin
- People
- Prigozhin (Yevgeny) Shoigu (Sergei)Gerasimov (Valerii)
- Title
- "We are retreating from Syria in an organized fashion". Live Russian T-55 reaction
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Armed Forces (Russia) Russia's allies
- Country
- Russia, Syria
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- War photo
- People
- ---
- Title
- What do you mean, they are already dead?
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Putin (general) Russians not valuing lives of their soldiers Russia's allies
- Country
- Russia, North Korea
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Putin (Vladimir) Kim Jong Un
- Title
- Let that sink in
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Russian warship End of the Putin regime
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- News photoStock photo
- People
- Putin (Vladimir)
- Title
- [Russian Armed Forces suffer various losses].
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Armed Forces (Russia) War progress / outcome (general)
- Country
- Russia, Turkey
- Language
- n/a
- Template Type
- ArtworkWojak
- People
- ---
- Title
- Kim Jung Un readies a new shipment of one-time use minesweepers for Russia. Circa october 2024
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Armed Forces (Russia) Russia's allies
- Country
- Russia, North Korea
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Kim Jong Un
- Title
- Get in comrade. We have to defend motherland
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Russian propaganda and information warMobilization / military draft / recruitment in Russia
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- Animal photo
- People
- ---
- Title
- - I can't believe what a shithole we are! - Wait, it will only get worse!
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Russia (general) War progress / outcome (general)
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Putin (Vladimir) Medvedev (Dmitrii)
- Title
- How a country joins NATO -- How a country joins Russia [Historical photo of Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968]
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- European Union / NATO / United NationsRussia (general)
- Country
- Russia, Great Britain, NATO countries, Turkey, Czechoslovakia, Soviet Union
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- Historical photoNews photo
- People
- Erdogan (Recep) Rasmussen (Anders Fogh)Cameron (David)
- Title
- Цікаві факти. У Росії день народження С. Бандери починають святкувати на годину раніше)))
- Translation
- Interesting facts. In Russia, they start celebrating Stepan Bandera's birthday an hour earlier))) [S. Bandera was born on January 1.]
- Content Type
- New Year / Christmas / St. Nicholas Day Ukraine's heroes (individual)
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- Stock photo
- People
- Bandera (Stepan)
- Title
- Российские военные в ответ на недавнюю атаку западными ракетами по Ростовской области утром нанесли удар по пункту управления СБУ, сообщило Минобороны. Также в числе целей было киевское КБ "Луч" и позиции ЗРК Patriot. Все объекты поражены, заявили в военном ведомстве. - Ну что, попалi? - Конєчно! Унiчтожєно трi СБУ и сємь центров управлєнiя!
- Translation
- Russian military, in response to the recent attack by Western missiles on the Rostov region, carried out a strike on the Security Service of Ukraine command center, reported the Ministry of Defense. Also targeted were Kyiv's "Luch" design bureau and Patriot air defense positions. All targets were hit, the military agency stated. - So, did we hit them? - Of course! Three Security Service of Ukraine units and seven command centers were destroyed!
- Content Type
- Armed Forces (Russia) Russian propaganda and information war
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia, NATO countries
- Language
- Ukrainian, Russian
- Template Type
- News photoScreenshot
- People
- Putin (Vladimir) Gerasimov (Valerii)
- Title
- Якщо коротко про пресуху плешивого: Арєшнiк... ...скрєпи... фсе фошiздi...
- Translation
- If briefly about the bald one's dry spell: Oreshnik... ...traditional values... ...all fascists...
- Content Type
- Putin (general) Russian propaganda and information war
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Putin (Vladimir)
- Title
- На фоне атаки БПЛА жители Казани укрылись в метро. - А шо случилось?
- Translation
- Amid the drone attack, residents of Kazan took shelter in the metro. - What happened?
- Content Type
- Explosions in Russia or on occupied territories
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- News photoScreenshotTV show
- People
- ---
- Title
- Святий Миколай дивиться на мене після того, як я попросив його вирізати 140 млн. людей
- Translation
- Saint Nicholas looks at me after I asked him to wipe out 140 million people
- Content Type
- New Year / Christmas / St. Nicholas Day
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- Film (non-Soviet)
- People
- ---
- Title
- [I. Kobzon offers a scooter, presumably to Igor Kirillov].
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Assassination by scooter Kobzon's concert
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- n/a
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Kobzon (Iosif) Kirillov (Igor)
- Title
- Москвичи массово приносят на место гибели Кириллова электросамокаты.
- Translation
- Muscovites are bringing electric scooters en masse to the site of Kirillov's death.
- Content Type
- Assassination by scooter
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- Stock photo
- People
- Kirillov (Igor)
- Title
- В Москве запретили движение электросамокатов по Красной площади. Власти Москвы запретили движение на электросамокатах по Красной и Манежной площадям. -- А шо случiлось?
- Translation
- In Moscow, electric scooter movement on Red Square has been banned. Moscow authorities have prohibited riding electric scooters on Red and Manezhnaya Squares. -- What happened? [
- Content Type
- Assassination by scooter
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- Ukrainian, Russian
- Template Type
- Film (non-Soviet)
- People
- Kirillov (Igor)
- Title
- Ядерні країни, що втрачали генералів у наслідок підриву самоката
- Translation
- Nuclear countries that have lost generals as a result of a scooter explosion
- Content Type
- Assassination by scooter Nuclear threat
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- Map
- People
- Kirillov (Igor)
- Title
- Любой российский генерал. -- Самокат возле дома
- Translation
- Any Russian general. -- Scooter near the house
- Content Type
- Armed Forces (Russia) Assassination by scooter
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- Film (non-Soviet)
- People
- Kirillov (Igor)
- Title
- Вибір за тобою
- Translation
- The choice is yours [Russian pilot Col Dmitry Golenkov, blamed for Ukraine shopping centre attack, was killed with a hammer. Lt Gen Igor Kirillov, head of the Russian Nuclear, Biological, Chemical Defence Forces (NBC), and his assistant were killed in Moscow scooter bomb attack. Ukraine's security service took responsibility for the attack.]
- Content Type
- Armed Forces (Ukraine) Assassination by scooter
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- Stock photo
- People
- Kirillov (Igor) Golenkov (Dmitry)
- Title
- [Putin passes by an assassination scooter on the street.]
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- End of the Putin regime Assassination by scooter
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- n/a
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Putin (Vladimir)
- Title
- Приветствую на своём концерте генерала самокатных войск Кириллова!
- Translation
- Welcome to the concert to General Kirillov of the scooter troops!
- Content Type
- Armed Forces (Russia) Kobzon's concert Assassination by scooter
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- Performer publicity photo
- People
- Kobzon (Iosif) Kirillov (Igor)
- Title
- — Ну прiвєт! Сама тут оддихаєш? -- Волгонефть212. -- Москва.
- Translation
- — Well, hello! Relaxing here on your own? -- Volgoneft 212. -- Moscow. [Two tankers with petroleum products have crashed in the Kerch Strait.]
- Content Type
- Armed Forces (Russia) Russian warship Russian gas / oil
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- Ukrainian, Russian
- Template Type
- Stock photo
- People
- ---
- Title
- На жаль, самокат відновленню не підлягає
- Translation
- Unfortunately, the scooter is beyond repair
- Content Type
- Armed Forces (Russia) Assassination by scooter
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- Stock photo
- People
- Igor Kirillov
- Title
- СБУ заочно повідомила про підозру російському генералу, який наказав застосовувати хімічну зброю проти сил оборони України. -- Справу закрито у зв'язку із несподіваною смертю підозрюваного
- Translation
- The Security Service of Ukraine has notified a Russian general in absentia of suspicion for ordering the use of chemical weapons against the Ukrainian defense forces. -- The case was closed due to the suspect's unexpected death [Lt Gen Igor Kirillov, head of the Russian Nuclear, Biological, Chemical Defence Forces (NBC), and his assistant were killed in Moscow scooter bomb attack. Ukraine's security service took responsibility for the attack.]
- Content Type
- Armed Forces (Russia) Armed Forces (Ukraine)
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- Film (non-Soviet)News photoScreenshot
- People
- Igor Kirillov
- Title
- [Тic-tac-toe sheet with crossed out heads of Russians with important military roles, presumed assassinated by the Ukrainian secret service].
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Armed Forces (Russia)
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- n/a
- Template Type
- Game
- People
- Yevsyukov (Sergei)Kirillov (Igor) Shatsky (Mikhail)
- Title
- [Vasyl Maliuk standing next to a scooter.]
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Armed Forces (Russia) Armed Forces (Ukraine) Assassination by scooter
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- n/a
- Template Type
- News photoStock photo
- People
- Maliuk (Vasyl)
- Title
- Руський генерал і його попутчик заїзджають в пекло
- Translation
- Russian general and his companion ride into hell
- Content Type
- Armed Forces (Russia) Assassination by scooter
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- Stock photo
- People
- Kirillov (Igor)
- Title
- У Москві підірвали генерала, якого СБУ вчора звинуватила у застосуванні хімзброї проти ЗСУ. - Вам повєсточька в суд. - Гаагский? - Божий.
- Translation
- In Moscow, a general who was accused yesterday by the Security Service in Ukraine of using chemical weapons against the Armed Forces of Ukraine was blown up. - Here's your summons to court. - The Hague? - God's.
- Content Type
- Armed Forces (Ukraine) Kobzon's concert War crimes tribunal
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia, The Netherlands
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- Film (non-Soviet)
- People
- Kobzon (Iosif)
- Title
- Цей офіцер загинув, виконуючи своє останнє завдання, а його ніхто не привітав
- Translation
- This officer died while completing his last mission, and no one greeted him.
- Content Type
- Armed Forces (Ukraine) Assassination by scooter
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- Stock photo
- People
- Kirillov (Igor)
- Title
- Янгольська служба доставки в пекло. Цілодобово, але несподівано
- Translation
- Angel delivery service to hell. 24/7, but unexpectedly
- Content Type
- Armed Forces (Ukraine) Assassination by scooter
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- Stock photo
- People
- Kirillov (Igor)
- Title
- - Алиса, как ты могла?… - А что? Мне надо было честно рассказать?… про Грету Тунберг, Хамас, ООН, или дегенерата путина!… Вы бы поверили?
- Translation
- - Alice, how could you?… - What? Should I have told the truth?… about Greta Thunberg, Hamas, the UN, or that degenerate Putin!… Would you have believed me?
- Content Type
- Putin (general)
- Country
- Russia, European Union, United Nations, Palestine
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- Film (Soviet)
- People
- Putin (Vladimir) Thunberg (Greta)
- Title
- - Джонни, ты гроб ему дубовый заказал? - Нет, он сам выбрал: из орешника ...
- Translation
- - Johnny, did you order him an oak coffin? - No, he chose it himself: from walnut [(‘hazel’ or literally: 'nut tree'), a new Russian intermediate-range ballistic missile.]
- Content Type
- Armed Forces (Russia) End of the Putin regime
- Country
- Russia, United States
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- News photoStock photo
- People
- Putin (Vladimir) Biden (Joe) Musk (Elon) Trump (Donald)
- Title
- К диалогу с "Единой Россией" готовы трезвые силы на Западе, заявил Медведев.
- Translation
- Medvedev stated that sober forces in the West are ready for dialogue with "United Russia".
- Content Type
- Drunk / infantile / ridiculous Medvedev Negotiations
- Country
- Russia, European Union, NATO countries
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- Animal photoNews photo
- People
- Medvedev (Dmitrii)
- Title
- Радiкали змушують бойка сматрєть як зносяцця памятнiкi і закриваюцця церквi
- Translation
- Radicals force Boiko to watch as monuments are demolished and churches are closed. [Re: In December 2024 Iurii Boiko, a Supreme Rada deputy spoke out in defense of the Russian language, criticized the demolition of monuments, the renaming of cities, and the ban on the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church.https://tass.ru/obschestvo/22675845]
- Content Type
- Russian collaborators in Ukraine Decolonization in Ukraine
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- Film (Soviet)
- People
- Boiko (Iurii)
- Title
- [The Ukrainian Armed forces enlist tides. Two tankers with petroleum products have crashed in the Kerch Strait in December 2024].
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Armed Forces (Ukraine) Russian warship Russian gas / oil
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- n/a
- Template Type
- Flork of Cows
- People
- ---
- Title
- [Volodymyr Zelensky as Saint George defeats the Dragon that has Putin's face.]
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- End of the Putin regime Putin (general) Zelensky (general)
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- n/a
- Template Type
- Artwork
- People
- Putin (Vladimir) Zelensky (Volodymyr)
- Title
- Ваш каждый донат ВСУ — это оплата потенциальной смерти моей семьи и моих друзей в Белгороде и Белгородской области. Happy New Year!
- Translation
- Each of your donations to the Armed Forces of Ukraine is a payment for the potential death of my family and my friends in Belgorod and the Belgorod region. Happy New Year!
- Content Type
- Armed Forces (Ukraine) Belgorod events Lend-Lease and other military assistance to Ukraine New Year / Christmas / St. Nicholas Day
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- Russian, English
- Template Type
- Holiday cardScreenshot
- People
- ---
- Title
- Make America Great Again: - A hurricane hit, give us back the aid we sent - Sure - What am I supposed to do with a M777 howitzer?!
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Concessions to Putin / wavering support for Ukraine Lend-Lease and other military assistance to Ukraine
- Country
- Ukraine, United States
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- News photoWojak
- People
- Zelensky (Volodymyr)
- Title
- Instead of buying fireworks this year donate firepower to Ukraine
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Lend-Lease and other military assistance to Ukraine New Year / Christmas / St. Nicholas Day
- Country
- Ukraine
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- TV show
- People
- Zelensky (Volodymyr)
- Title
- Подарунки приніс, а нас вдома нема... Рубіжне Сєвєродонецьк Лиман Лисичанськ Авдіївка Попасна Кремінна Бахмут Мар'їнка Соледар Сіверськ Маріуполь Селидове
- Translation
- He brought gifts, but we are not home... Rubizhne Sievierodonetsk Lyman Lysychansk Avdiivka Popasna Kreminna Bakhmut Mariinka Soledar Siversk Mariupol Selydove
- Content Type
- New Year / Christmas / St. Nicholas Day War progress / outcome (general)
- Country
- Ukraine
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- Artwork
- People
- ---
- Title
- The Hague awaits you all
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Russian collaborators in Ukraine Russian propaganda and information warWar crimes tribunal
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia, Belarus
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- InfographicsMedvedchuk detained
- People
- Putin (Vladimir) Kadyrov (Ramzan) Konashenkov (Igor') Lavrov (Sergei) Lukashenko (Alexander) Medvedev (Dmitrii) Peskov (Dmitry) Prigozhin (Yevgeny) Shoigu (Sergei)Simon'ian (Margarita) Skabeeva (Ol'ga) Solov'ev (Vladimir) Zakharova (Mariia) Surovikin (Sergey)Muzhenko (Viktor)
- Title
- [Donald Trump serves Zelensky coffee in a McDonald's drive-through].
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Zelensky (general) Support for Ukraine (general)
- Country
- Ukraine, United States
- Language
- n/a
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Zelensky (Volodymyr) Trump (Donald)
- Title
- [Russian economy on the rocks].
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Economic impact of the war
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- n/a
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Nabiullina (Elvira)
- Title
- Земля - РФ
- Translation
- The Earth -- Russian Federation
- Content Type
- Russia (general)
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- Stock photo
- People
- ---
- Title
- ООН - МУС: Топ самых бесполезных вещей
- Translation
- UN - ICC [International Criminal Court]: Top most useless things
- Content Type
- European Union / NATO / United NationsWar crimes tribunal
- Country
- United Nations, The Netherlands
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- Infographics
- People
- ---
- Title
- — А что означает буква "Ч" в слове чебурашка? — В смысле? — Ну, "ебу рашку" понятно, а вот Ч не даёт покоя.
- Translation
- — What does the letter "Ch" in the word Cheburashka mean? — What do you mean? — Well, "fuck Russia" is clear, but the Ch bothers me. [In Russian, "eburashka" means "fuck Russia". Cheburashka is a popular children's book and film character.]
- Content Type
- Russia (general)
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- TV show
- People
- ---
- Title
- В кавʼярні на десерт тепер беру тільки Наполеон. Бо він колись спалив ту кляту москву.
- Translation
- In the cafe, I now only take Napoleon [cake] for dessert. Because he once burned down that damned Moscow.
- Content Type
- Desintegration / disappearance of Russia in the future
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- Stock photo
- People
- Napoleon
- Title
- Это был простой год, в следующем году вы в этом убедитесь
- Translation
- It was an easy year, next year you will see it
- Content Type
- Putin (general) War progress / outcome (general) New Year / Christmas / St. Nicholas Day
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Putin (Vladimir)
- Title
- How Russians see themselves — Reality
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Russian propaganda and information warRussia (general)
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- Animal photoArtwork
- People
- ---
- Title
- Трамп при Порошенку — Трамп при Зеленському
- Translation
- Trump during Poroshenko — Trump during Zelenskyy
- Content Type
- Zelensky's style
- Country
- Ukraine, United States
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Zelensky (Volodymyr) Poroshenko (Petro) Trump (Donald)
- Title
- 1 січня 2025 року. - Та я так і не зрозумів, де наш газ? - Та там де і ми, в пеZді
- Translation
- January 1, 2025. - I still don't understand, where's our gas? - It's in the same place as us, fucked up.
- Content Type
- Russia's alliesRussian gas / oil
- Country
- Russia, Hungary, Slovakia
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Fico (Robert) Orban (Viktor)
- Title
- Ну за підводний танкерний флот!
- Translation
- Here's to the underwater tanker fleet! [The Russian cargo ship Ursa Major sank in the Mediterranean Sea on December 23, 2024, following a series of explosions.]
- Content Type
- Russian warship
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- The Night Before Christmas (Soviet film)
- People
- ---
- Title
- [Historical photo of Adolf Hitler and Miklós Horthy — Photo of Vladimir Putin and Viktor Orban during Orban's visit to Moscow in July 2024]
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Putin and Hitler Russia's allies
- Country
- Russia, Germany, Hungary
- Language
- n/a
- Template Type
- Historical photoNews photo
- People
- Putin (Vladimir) Hitler (Adolf) Orban (Viktor) Horthy (Miklós)
- Title
- Не можна просто взяти і пустити річний бюджет Житомирської міськради на мавіки. Це не так працює.
- Translation
- You can't just take the annual budget of the Zhytomyr City Council and spend it on Mavics [DJI Mavic, a popular series of commercial drones]. That's not how it works.
- Content Type
- Armed Forces (Ukraine)
- Country
- Ukraine
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- Film (non-Soviet)
- People
- ---
- Title
- Тисни лайк, якщо любиш гарно поснідати для продуктивного дня, або вважаєш росію нелегітимною державою
- Translation
- Press like if you love having a good breakfast for a productive day, or consider Russia an illegitimate state
- Content Type
- Russia (general)
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- Stock photo
- People
- ---
- Title
- Ти побачив українське ІПСО : Вірю — Я повірив
- Translation
- You saw Ukrainian PSYOP [Psychological Operations]: I believe it - I am convinced
- Content Type
- Armed Forces (Ukraine)
- Country
- Ukraine
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Budanov (Kyrylo)
- Title
- Военком дуреет от этой прикормки
- Translation
- The military commissar is going crazy over this bait [Memetic phrase used: "Crucian carp goes crazy over this bait".]
- Content Type
- Mobilization / military draft / recruitment in Russia
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- Stock photo
- People
- ---
- Title
- - I bet she's thinking about other guys... - Ukrainian double shotgun drone
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Armed Forces (Ukraine) Resilient Ukrainians
- Country
- Ukraine
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- Couple in bed
- People
- ---
- Title
- Телевизор и кадило превратит народ в дебилов
- Translation
- A TV and a censer will turn the people into fools
- Content Type
- Church Russian propaganda and information war
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Putin (Vladimir) Kirill of Moscow (Gundiaev)
- Title
- FİCØ -- Ruský hajzel -- Cena: 11 000 eur mesačne
- Translation
- FİCØ -- Russian toilet -- Price: 11,000 euros per month
- Content Type
- Russia's allies
- Country
- Russia, Slovakia
- Language
- Slovak
- Template Type
- Branding
- People
- Fico (Robert)
- Title
- Путин-Бинго 2024 Орешник мой Орешник - Орешник мой Орешник - Орешник мой Орешник - Орешник мой Орешник Орешник мой Орешник - Орешник мой Орешник - Орешник мой Орешник - Орешник мой Орешник Орешник мой Орешник - Орешник мой Орешник - Орешник мой Орешник - Орешник мой Орешник Орешник мой Орешник - Орешник мой Орешник - Орешник мой Орешник - Орешник мой Орешник
- Translation
- Putin Bingo 2024 Oreshnik my Oreshnik - Oreshnik my Oreshnik - Oreshnik my Oreshnik - Oreshnik my Oreshnik Oreshnik my Oreshnik - Oreshnik my Oreshnik - Oreshnik my Oreshnik - Oreshnik my Oreshnik Oreshnik my Oreshnik - Oreshnik my Oreshnik - Oreshnik my Oreshnik - Oreshnik my Oreshnik Oreshnik my Oreshnik - Oreshnik my Oreshnik - Oreshnik my Oreshnik - Oreshnik my Oreshnik [(‘hazel’ or literally: 'nut tree'), a new Russian intermediate-range ballistic missile.]
- Content Type
- Armed Forces (Russia) Putin (general)
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- Game
- People
- Putin (Vladimir)
- Title
- «Хочу, щоб усі вони зникли»
- Translation
- "I wish they would all disappear"
- Content Type
- Desintegration / disappearance of Russia in the future New Year / Christmas / St. Nicholas Day
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- Film (non-Soviet)
- People
- ---
- Title
- Твоє літо не таке, якого хотілося б? Ну і хуй з ним. Скоро ядерна зима
- Translation
- Is your summer not what you wanted? Well, to hell with it Nuclear winter is coming soon
- Content Type
- Nuclear threat
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- Film (non-Soviet)
- People
- ---
- Title
- ППО Румунії -- ППО Молдови
- Translation
- Romania's air defense -- Moldova's air defense
- Content Type
- Russian plane down
- Country
- Russia, Moldova, Romania
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- Film (non-Soviet)Film (Soviet)War photo
- People
- ---
- Title
- Сподіваюся, там й@бне так, що аж ленін вийде подивитися, що прилетіло!!!
- Translation
- I hope it hits there so hard that even Lenin comes out to see what arrived!!!
- Content Type
- Explosions in Russia or on occupied territories
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- Stock photo
- People
- Lenin (Vladimir)
- Title
- "Вона хотіла десять, але він більше не міг..." -- Три орешника для Золушки / Tri orisky pro Popelku
- Translation
- "She wanted ten, but he could no longer..." -- Three hazelnuts [Oreshnik, a new Russian missile] for Cinderella
- Content Type
- Armed Forces (Russia)
- Country
- Russia, Belarus
- Language
- Ukrainian, Russian, Czech
- Template Type
- Film (non-Soviet)Poster
- People
- Putin (Vladimir) Lukashenko (Alexander)
- Title
- росія виводить свій флот із Сирії -- тим часом Буданов і морські дрони ГУР
- Translation
- russia is withdrawing its fleet from Syria -- meanwhile, Budanov and the naval drones of GUR [Defense Intelligence of Ukraine (DIU)]
- Content Type
- Armed Forces (Ukraine) Russian warship
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia, Syria
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- News photoAnthony Adams Rubbing Hands
- People
- Budanov (Kyrylo)
- Title
- That's how you do a 3-day special military operation
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- "Kyiv in 3 days"
- Country
- Russia, Syria
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- The Simpsons
- People
- ---
- Title
- Asylum: Day 1 -- Asylum: Day 2
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Mobilization / military draft / recruitment in Russia Russia's allies
- Country
- Russia, Syria
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- News photoChmonia the Russian occupier
- People
- Putin (Vladimir) al-Assad (Bashar)
- Title
- - Что ты хочешь, девочка, на Новый год? - Хочу как в Сирии!
- Translation
- - What do you want, little girl, for New Year? - I want it like in Syria! [In December 2024, the Assad regime in Syria collapsed during an offensive by opposition forces.]
- Content Type
- End of the Putin regime New Year / Christmas / St. Nicholas Day
- Country
- Russia, Syria
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Putin (Vladimir)
- Title
- це брати, їх розлучили 45 років назад. у них сьогодні день народження, але ніхто не лайкне цей пост...
- Translation
- these are brothers, they were separated 45 years ago. today is their birthday, but no one will like this post...
- Content Type
- Zelensky (general)
- Country
- Ukraine, Syria
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- News photoScreenshot
- People
- Zelensky (Volodymyr) al-Julani (Abu Mohammad)
- Title
- 1980s GOP: the Soviets won’t expand one inch -- Modern GOP: Zelenskyy should just give Russia half of Ukraine
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Concessions to Putin / wavering support for Ukraine Negotiations
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia, United States, Soviet Union
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- Buff Doge vs. Cheems
- People
- Zelensky (Volodymyr) Trump (Donald)Reagan (Ronald)
- Title
- - I have many nukes and not afraid to use them! Take me seriously! - Take him seriously or it's WW3!!!!! [On the hat:] Make America Great Again
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Concessions to Putin / wavering support for Ukraine Nuclear threat
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia, European Union, Great Britain, NATO countries, United States
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- Rage comicsMisc. classical meme Wojak
- People
- Putin (Vladimir) Trump (Donald)
- Title
- Скажем, что сами сбили свои самолеты, пусть украинцы не радуются
- Translation
- We'll say that we shot down our own planes, let's not have the Ukrainians rejoice
- Content Type
- Russian plane down Russian propaganda and information war
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- Heart of a Dog (Soviet film)
- People
- ---
- Title
- - I challenge you to a hi-tech duel - Shut up dumbass
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Putin (general) Zelensky (general)
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Putin (Vladimir) Zelensky (Volodymyr)
- Title
- Trump - Dugin - Putin
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Russian propaganda and information war
- Country
- Russia, United States
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- Distracted boyfriend
- People
- Putin (Vladimir) Trump (Donald)Dugin (Aleksandr)
- Title
- Шольц запретил Украине использовать немецкие электросамокаты на территории России
- Translation
- Scholz banned Ukraine from using German electric scooters on Russian territory
- Content Type
- Assassination by scooter Concessions to Putin / wavering support for Ukraine
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia, Germany
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- News photoScreenshotStock photo
- People
- Scholz (Olaf)
- Title
- Очікуємо з нетерпінням!
- Translation
- We are eagerly awaiting!
- Content Type
- End of the Putin regime Russia's allies
- Country
- Russia, Syria, Iran, Palestine
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Putin (Vladimir) Raisi (Ebrahim)al-Assad (Bashar) Nasrallah (Hassan)
- Title
- Оберіть квадрати, де є: російські танкери
- Translation
- Select the squares where there are: russian tankers [Two tankers with petroleum products have crashed in the Kerch Strait.]
- Content Type
- Russian warship Russian gas / oil
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- Screenshot
- People
- ---
- Title
- Владіміру Владіміровічу можно, ето екологічєскі чiстиє танкєри!
- Translation
- It's OK when Vladimir Vladimirovich does it, these are the environmentally clean tankers! [Two tankers with petroleum products have crashed in the Kerch Strait.]
- Content Type
- Russian warship Russian gas / oil
- Country
- Russia, Sweden
- Language
- Ukrainian, Russian
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Putin (Vladimir) Thunberg (Greta)
- Title
- Подводная наша групiровка в чьорном морє топлiвом обеспєчєна! Отправiлi два танкера!
- Translation
- Our submarine group in the Black Sea is supplied with fuel! We sent two tankers! [Two tankers with petroleum products have crashed in the Kerch Strait.]
- Content Type
- Armed Forces (Russia) Russian warship
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- Ukrainian, Russian
- Template Type
- News photoWar photo
- People
- Putin (Vladimir) Mishustin (Mikhail)
- Title
- Eliminated. Eliminated. Eliminated. Eliminated. Eliminated.
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- End of the Putin regime Russia's allies
- Country
- Russia, Syria, Iran, Palestine
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Putin (Vladimir) Soleimani (Qasem)al-Assad (Bashar) Khamenei (Ali)Haniyeh (Ismail)Al-Sinwar (Yahya)Raisi (Ebrahim)
- Title
- Янукович дивиться на "понаїхавшого" асада.
- Translation
- Yanukovych is looking at the "new arrival" Assad.
- Content Type
- Russia's alliesRussian collaborators in Ukraine
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia, Syria
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- Misc. classical meme
- People
- Yanukovych (Viktor) al-Assad (Bashar)
- Title
- - В Москву на чём прилетел? - На "Орешнике", блядь!
- Translation
- - What did you fly to Moscow on? - On the 'Oreshnik'[a new Russian missle], damn it!
- Content Type
- Armed Forces (Russia) Russia's allies
- Country
- Russia, Syria
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Putin (Vladimir) al-Assad (Bashar)
- Title
- Роскомнадзор заблокував месенджер Viber на території РФ. Viber Все!
- Translation
- Roskomnadzor (Russian watchdog / censorship agency) has blocked the Viber messenger on the territory of the Russian Federation. Viber is over!
- Content Type
- Russian propaganda and information war
- Country
- Russia, United States
- Language
- Ukrainian, Russian
- Template Type
- Branding TV show
- People
- ---
- Title
- Як там удар в псiну? Не болить?
- Translation
- How's the stab in the back? Doesn't hurt? [On July 8, 2023 Turkey returned Azov commanders held there as POWs to Ukraine, which Putin called "a stab in the back"]
- Content Type
- War progress / outcome (general) Putin (general)
- Country
- Russia, Turkey
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Putin (Vladimir) Erdogan (Recep)
- Title
- [S. Evsiukov and M. Shatsky crossed out in a Tic-tac-toe game].
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- War progress / outcome (general)
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- n/a
- Template Type
- Artwork
- People
- Yevsyukov (Sergei)Shatsky (Mikhail)
- Title
- У Москві застрелили Михайла Шатського, який займався модернізацією крилатих ракет.
- Translation
- Mikhail Shatsky, who was involved in the modernization of cruise missiles, was shot dead in Moscow.
- Content Type
- Armed Forces (Russia)
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- News photoTV show
- People
- Shatsky (Mikhail)
- Title
- - Мені нравиться як воно горить. -- Таганрог сегодня ночью, по предварительным данным, был атакован ракетами-дронами "Паляница"
- Translation
- I like how it burns. Taganrog tonight, according to preliminary information, was attacked by the drone missile "Palianytsia" [new Ukrainian drone]
- Content Type
- Armed Forces (Ukraine) "Palianytsia"
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- Ukrainian, Russian
- Template Type
- Poltava arsonistWar photo
- People
- ---
- Title
- Таганрог сегодня ночью, по предварительным данным, был атакован ракетами-дронами. - Паланiца
- Translation
- Taganrog was attacked by missile-drones tonight, according to preliminary data. - Palianytsia [new Ukrainian drone]
- Content Type
- Ukraine's counteroffensive "Palianytsia"
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- Ukrainian, Russian
- Template Type
- Animal photo
- People
- ---
- Title
- - ... но сначала, небольшая историческая справка... - "F*CK! AGAIN?!!!
- Translation
- - ... but first, a small historical reference... - "F*CK! AGAIN?!!!
- Content Type
- Russian propaganda and information warTucker Carlson interviews Putin
- Country
- Russia, United States
- Language
- Russian, English
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Putin (Vladimir) Carlson (Tucker) Lavrov (Sergei)
- Title
- First picture of Tucker Carlson's interview with Sergey Lavrov has been released. -- Опубліковано перше фото інтерв'ю Такера Карсона з Сергієм Лавровим.
- Translation
- First picture of Tucker Carlson's interview with Sergey Lavrov has been released.
- Content Type
- Russian propaganda and information war
- Country
- Russia, United States
- Language
- Ukrainian, English
- Template Type
- ArtworkScreenshot
- People
- Carlson (Tucker) Lavrov (Sergei)
- Title
- Чи зможе людство пережити падіння астероїда? Так, якщо астероїд впаде на Москву!
- Translation
- Will humanity survive the fall of an asteroid? Yes, if the asteroid falls on Moscow!
- Content Type
- Desintegration / disappearance of Russia in the future
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- Film (Soviet)
- People
- ---
- Title
- [Viktor Yanukovych and Bashar al-Assad turn into Russian bums after both of them fled their own countries and found asylum in Russia].
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Russia's alliesRussian collaborators in Ukraine
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia, Syria
- Language
- n/a
- Template Type
- Stock photo
- People
- Yanukovych (Viktor) al-Assad (Bashar)
- Title
- На фоне событий в Сирии в комнату Януковича принесли вторую кровать и попросили освободить одну тумбочку. Ростов теж радіє прибуттю Асада
- Translation
- Against the background of events in Syria, a second bed was brought into Yanukovych's room, and they asked him to free up one bedside table. Rostov is also happy about Assad's arrival [Bashar al-Assad presumably joins Viktor Yanukovych as both fled their own countries and found asylum in Russia].
- Content Type
- Russia's alliesRussian collaborators in Ukraine
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia, Syria
- Language
- Ukrainian, Russian
- Template Type
- Film (Soviet)
- People
- Yanukovych (Viktor) al-Assad (Bashar)
- Title
- - Музичку значить врубає… - Яку? - А птiци лєтят, лєтят високо! - І що? - Та й полетів...
- Translation
- - He turns on the music... - Which one? - And the birds are flying, flying high! - And what? - Well, and he flew... [In December 2024 a car exploded in Donetsk, killing Serhii Yevsiukov, the former head of Russian-run Olenivka prison camp, where 53 Ukrainian Prisoners of War were killed.]
- Content Type
- POWs Explosions in Russia or on occupied territories
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- News photoFilm (non-Soviet)
- People
- ---
- Title
- - Ну за! - За!
- Translation
- - Well, cheers! - Cheers! [In December 2024 a car exploded in Donetsk, killing Serhii Yevsiukov, the former head of Russian-run Olenivka prison camp, where 53 Ukrainian Prisoners of War were killed.]
- Content Type
- POWs Explosions in Russia or on occupied territories
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- The Night Before Christmas (Soviet film)News photo
- People
- ---
- Title
- Нам ваша Сирия и на*** не нужна!
- Translation
- We don't f*cking need your Syria!
- Content Type
- Russia's alliesRussian propaganda and information war
- Country
- Russia, Syria
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- Stock photo
- People
- ---
- Title
- Когда узнал про друга Асада. Такое ашчушчение, что п***дец ужэ близка.
- Translation
- When you found out about friend Assad. It feels like the f*cking end is near.
- Content Type
- Lukashenko (general) Russia's allies
- Country
- Syria, Belarus
- Language
- Russian, Belarassian
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Lukashenko (Alexander) al-Assad (Bashar)
- Title
- - Янук овiчь? - Асад?
- Translation
- - Yanukovych? - Assad? [Viktor Yanukovych and Bashar al-Assad both fled their own countries and found asylum in Russia].
- Content Type
- Russia's alliesRussian collaborators in Ukraine
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia, Syria
- Language
- Ukrainian, Russian
- Template Type
- News photoStock photo
- People
- Yanukovych (Viktor) al-Assad (Bashar)
- Title
- [Viktor Yanukovych and Bashar al-Assad accompany Putin, as both of them fled their own countries and found asylum in Russia].
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Russia's alliesRussian collaborators in Ukraine
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia, Syria
- Language
- n/a
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Putin (Vladimir) Yanukovych (Viktor) al-Assad (Bashar)
- Title
- [Viktor Yanukovych and Bashar al-Assad as a bored married couple (as both of them fled their own countries and found asylum in Russia)].
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Russia's alliesRussian collaborators in Ukraine
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia, Syria
- Language
- n/a
- Template Type
- Film (Soviet)
- People
- Yanukovych (Viktor) al-Assad (Bashar)
- Title
- Ждём-с...
- Translation
- We're waiting...
- Content Type
- Kobzon's concert Russia's allies
- Country
- Russia, Syria
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- Performer publicity photo
- People
- Kobzon (Iosif) al-Assad (Bashar)
- Title
- Новий президент Сирії Ахмед АльПригожаа -- Update: The New President of Syria is Ahmed Al-Sharaa
- Translation
- The new president of Syria Ahmed Al-Prigozhin -- Update: The New President of Syria is Ahmed Al-Sharaa
- Content Type
- Russia's allies
- Country
- Russia, Syria
- Language
- Ukrainian, English
- Template Type
- News photoScreenshot
- People
- Prigozhin (Yevgeny) al-Sharaa (Ahmed)
- Title
- Путин, где Асад?
- Translation
- Putin, where is Assad?
- Content Type
- Prigozhin's mutiny Russia's allies
- Country
- Russia, Syria
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- Screaming Prigozhin
- People
- Putin (Vladimir) Prigozhin (Yevgeny) al-Assad (Bashar)
- Title
- Вопрос стоял об уплотнении. Ситуация в квартире Януковича после сообщений о том, что Асад не разбился, а покинул Сирию.
- Translation
- The question was about sharing living space. The situation in Yanukovych's apartment after reports that Assad didn't crash, but left Syria.
- Content Type
- Russia's alliesRussian collaborators in Ukraine
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia, Syria
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- Heart of a Dog (Soviet film)
- People
- Yanukovych (Viktor) al-Assad (Bashar)
- Title
- Ну чьо, махньом до Кобзона на концерт?
- Translation
- Well, what do you think, shall we head to Kobzon's concert?
- Content Type
- Kobzon's concert Russia's allies
- Country
- Russia, Syria, Libya
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Kobzon (Iosif) al-Assad (Bashar) Gaddafi (Muammar)
- Title
- Где-то под Ростовом
- Translation
- Somewhere near Rostov
- Content Type
- Russia's alliesRussian collaborators in Ukraine
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia, Syria
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- News photoStock photo
- People
- Yanukovych (Viktor) al-Assad (Bashar)
- Title
- Пригожин дивиться як асад сідає в літак, на якому має втекти з сирії
- Translation
- Prigozhin is watching as Assad gets into the plane, on which he is supposed to flee from Syria.
- Content Type
- Russia's allies
- Country
- Russia, Syria
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- Misc. classical meme
- People
- Prigozhin (Yevgeny) al-Assad (Bashar)
- Title
- Башар Асад: «Не представляю, как русские будут воевать за Россию, если они так воюют за Сирию».
- Translation
- Bashar Assad: «I can't imagine how the Russians will fight for Russia if they fight like this for Syria».
- Content Type
- Russia's alliesArmed Forces (Russia)
- Country
- Russia, Syria
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- News photoScreenshotTV show
- People
- al-Assad (Bashar)
- Title
- - Хто ми? - Волонтери! - Чого ми хочемо? - Допомогти ЗСУ! - Коли ми цього хочемо? - Завжди!
- Translation
- - Who are we? - Volunteers! - What do we want? - To help the Armed Forces of Ukraine! - When do we want this? - Always!
- Content Type
- Armed Forces (Ukraine) Resilient Ukrainians
- Country
- Ukraine
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- Misc. classical meme
- People
- ---
- Title
- Карлсон берёт интервью у Лаврова.
- Translation
- Carlson is interviewing Lavrov.
- Content Type
- Russian propaganda and information war
- Country
- Russia, United States
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- Film (Soviet)
- People
- Carlson (Tucker) Lavrov (Sergei)
- Title
- [Tucker Carlson interviews S. Lavtov].
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Russian propaganda and information war
- Country
- Russia, United States
- Language
- n/a
- Template Type
- Animal photoFilm (Soviet)
- People
- Carlson (Tucker) Lavrov (Sergei)
- Title
- Чи вплине політична турбуленція в Південній Кореї на постачання зброї в Україну
- Translation
- Will political turbulence in South Korea affect arms supplies to Ukraine?
- Content Type
- Lend-Lease and other military assistance to Ukraine
- Country
- Ukraine, South Korea
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- Misc. classical meme
- People
- ---
- Title
- Ну я вам чесно кажу - немаю до того, що там відбувається жодного відношення!
- Translation
- Well, I honestly tell you - I have nothing to do with what is happening there! [Re: December 2024 South Korean martial law crisis]
- Content Type
- Ukraine's heroes (individual)
- Country
- Ukraine, South Korea
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Kim (Vitalyi)
- Title
- Госорганы - Госорганы при военном положении
- Translation
- State bodies - State bodies under martial law [Putin allowed state bodies to hide part of their data under martial law.]
- Content Type
- Russia (general)
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- Buff Doge vs. Cheems
- People
- ---
- Title
- [A family casually observes the Kerch bridge burn].
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Kerch bridge to Crimea
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- n/a
- Template Type
- The SimpsonsWar photo
- People
- ---
- Title
- Have they surrendered already?
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- War progress / outcome (general)
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- Putin meets with Shoigu and Gerasimov
- People
- Putin (Vladimir) Shoigu (Sergei)Gerasimov (Valery)
- Title
- [Putin mixed up names of Aleksandra Pakhmutova and Nikolai Patrushev during the event honoring composer Pakhmutova in Dec. 2024].
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Putin (general)
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- n/a
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Putin (Vladimir) Patrushev (Nikolai)
- Title
- A bad day for Russia is a good day for humanity
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Explosions in Russia or on occupied territories
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- War photo
- People
- ---
- Title
- Антивоенные россияне -- Российская нефть
- Translation
- Anti-war Russians -- Russian oil
- Content Type
- Russian opposition Russian gas / oil Russian exodus
- Country
- Russia, European Union, NATO countries
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- Film (non-Soviet)
- People
- ---
- Title
- Нового года не будет: Деда Мороза сбило ПВО
- Translation
- There will be no New Year: Father Frost was shot down by air defense
- Content Type
- New Year / Christmas / St. Nicholas Day
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- ArtworkCartoon
- People
- ---
- Title
- Russian spies in movies -- Russian spies in real life
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Concessions to Putin / wavering support for Ukraine Russian propaganda and information war
- Country
- Russia, United States
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- Film (non-Soviet)News photo
- People
- Carlson (Tucker)
- Title
- White - Black - Asian - Gay - Straight - "NATO is why russia keeps invading its neighbors"
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- "It's all America's / NATO's fault"
- Country
- Russia, NATO countries
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- InfographicsMisc. classical meme
- People
- ---
- Title
- World record!!! Longest 3-Day-War Ever!!!
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- "Kyiv in 3 days"
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Putin (Vladimir)
- Title
- What's the difference between a MAGA republican and a Ukrainian? A Ukrainian defends their capitol
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Ukraine (general)
- Country
- Ukraine, United States
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Zelensky (Volodymyr) Trump (Donald)Hawley (Josh)
- Title
- Let's be russophobes together
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- "Russophobia"
- Country
- Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- Animal photo
- People
- ---
- Title
- А ты послал Путина нахуй?
- Translation
- Did you tell Putin to fuck off?
- Content Type
- Putin (general)
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- Poster
- People
- Putin (Vladimir)
- Title
- I can excuse racism [crossed out] chemical warfare, but I draw the line at living in Moscow [Asma al-Assad, the British-born wife of former Syrian president Bashar al-Assad, is reportedly seeking a divorce and wants to leave Russia.]
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Russia (general) Russia's allies
- Country
- Russia, Syria
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- TV show
- People
- al-Assad (Asma)al-Assad (Bashar)
- Title
- - Moscow sucks, we should go - Who must go? [Asma al-Assad, the British-born wife of former Syrian president Bashar al-Assad, is reportedly seeking a divorce and wants to leave Russia.]
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Russia (general) Russia's allies
- Country
- Russia, Syria
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- News photoStock photo
- People
- al-Assad (Asma)al-Assad (Bashar)
- Title
- Я 13 років бачила злидні сирійців, масові страти, наркопритони, розбомблені міста та терористичні групи -- і проживши два тижні на росії: Я хочу звалити з цих боліт
- Translation
- I have seen 13 years of Syrian poverty, mass executions, drug dens, bombed cities, and terrorist groups -- and after living two weeks in Russia: I want to get out of this swamp [Asma al-Assad, the British-born wife of former Syrian president Bashar al-Assad, is reportedly seeking a divorce and wants to leave Russia.]
- Content Type
- Russia's allies"In the swamps" (In Russia)
- Country
- Russia, Syria
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- al-Assad (Bashar) al-Assad (Asma)
- Title
- Russian supporters -- Putin
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Russian propaganda and information war
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- Stock photo
- People
- Putin (Vladimir)
- Title
- The other one of these is a deadly weapon. [Lt Gen Igor Kirillov, head of the Russian Nuclear, Biological, Chemical Defence Forces (NBC), and his assistant were killed in Moscow scooter bomb attack. Ukraine's security service took responsibility for the attack.]
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Armed Forces (Russia) Assassination by scooter
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- Stock photoWar photo
- People
- ---
- Title
- Get in loser... ...we're running away again
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Ukraine's counteroffensive
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Putin (Vladimir)
- Title
- - Did we get back Kursk yet? - Njet.
- Translation
- - Did we get back Kursk yet? - No.
- Content Type
- Ukraine's counteroffensive
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- Russian, English
- Template Type
- Putin meets with Shoigu and Gerasimov
- People
- Putin (Vladimir) Shoigu (Sergei)Gerasimov (Valery)
- Title
- хочется движухи
- Translation
- We want some action ['We're bored - we want some action!' is a quote from Putin explaining the benefits of the war for Russia during his press conference / Direct line event, December 19, 2024].
- Content Type
- Russian propaganda and information warWar progress / outcome (general)
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- Artwork
- People
- ---
- Title
- I'm a combat mosquito who delivers karma
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Ukrainian combat birds/mosquitos/etc. Assassination by scooter
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Maliuk (Vasyl)
- Title
- When he tells you he supports Ukrainians in their fight against Russia's genocidal regime
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Support for Ukraine (general)
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- Stock photo
- People
- ---
- Title
- I suck Putin cock
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Concessions to Putin / wavering support for Ukraine
- Country
- Russia, United States
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Putin (Vladimir) Musk (Elon) Trump (Donald)
- Title
- I suck Putin cock
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Concessions to Putin / wavering support for Ukraine
- Country
- Russia, United States
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Putin (Vladimir) Musk (Elon)
- Title
- [Putin and Fico shaking hands against the background of a Ukrainian city destroyed by Russian rockets].
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Putin (general) Russia's alliesUkraine (general)
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia, Slovakia
- Language
- n/a
- Template Type
- News photoWar photo
- People
- Putin (Vladimir) Fico (Robert)
- Title
- [Putin meeting with Fico -- Hitler meeting with Jozef Tiso (president of the First Slovak Republic, a client state of Nazi Germany during World War II, from 1939 to 1945.)]
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Putin and Hitler Russia's allies
- Country
- Russia, Germany, Slovakia
- Language
- n/a
- Template Type
- Historical photoNews photo
- People
- Putin (Vladimir) Hitler (Adolf) Fico (Robert) Tiso (Jozef)
- Title
- путін Хуйло, фіца Хуйло
- Translation
- Putin khuylo, Fico khuylo
- Content Type
- "Putin khuylo!" Russia's allies
- Country
- Russia, Slovakia
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Putin (Vladimir) Fico (Robert)
- Title
- Ficö - Russian Toilet Brush - Ikea
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Russia's allies
- Country
- Russia, Slovakia
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- Branding
- People
- Fico (Robert)
- Title
- Suck Russian dick again
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Russia's allies
- Country
- Russia, European Union, Slovakia
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Fico (Robert)
- Title
- [Putin sits ta his desk smiling, while Robert Fico's head is visible from under the desk].
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Putin (general) Russia's allies
- Country
- Russia, Slovakia
- Language
- n/a
- Template Type
- Stock photo
- People
- Putin (Vladimir) Fico (Robert)
- Title
- [Viktor Orban and Robert Fico stand on Red Square in Moscow while wearing traditional Russian female headgear and bast shoes].
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Russia's allies
- Country
- Russia, Hungary, Slovakia
- Language
- n/a
- Template Type
- News photoStock photo
- People
- Orban (Viktor) Fico (Robert)
- Title
- Нет! Только рубли!
- Translation
- No! I take only rubles!
- Content Type
- Russia's allies
- Country
- Russia, NATO countries, United States
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- Poster
- People
- Orban (Viktor)
- Title
- Vlad... You've lost another ship?
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Putin (general) Russian warship
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- Film (non-Soviet)
- People
- Putin (Vladimir)
- Title
- History of Ukraine -- Moskowien history
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Russia (general) Ukraine (general)
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- Artwork
- People
- ---
- Title
- Дистанційна робота в ЗСУ
- Translation
- Remote work in the Armed Forces of Ukraine
- Content Type
- Armed Forces (Ukraine)
- Country
- Ukraine
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- War photo
- People
- ---
- Title
- Татку, ти ж допоможеш мені повернути Алеппо наступного року?
- Translation
- Dad, you'll help me get Aleppo back next year, right?
- Content Type
- Russia's allies
- Country
- Russia, Syria
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- Misc. classical meme
- People
- Putin (Vladimir) al-Assad (Bashar)
- Title
- На тлі наступу повстанців. Асад досі залишається у Сирії, однак його родина виїхала в Росію. - А нас к вам підселили. -- Янукович:
- Translation
- Against the backdrop of the insurgents' advance. Assad still remains in Syria, but his family has moved to Russia. - And they put us in your home. -- Yanukovych:
- Content Type
- Russia's alliesRussian collaborators in Ukraine
- Country
- Russia, Syria
- Language
- Ukrainian, Russian
- Template Type
- Awkward Look Monkey PuppetArtwork
- People
- Yanukovych (Viktor) al-Assad (Bashar)
- Title
- Цей лікар офтальмолог нарешті розглядів русскій мір, але ніхто чомусь не вітає його...
- Translation
- This ophthalmologist has finally seen the Russian world, but for some reason no one is welcoming him...
- Content Type
- Russia's allies
- Country
- Russia, Syria
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- al-Assad (Bashar)
- Title
- Вы не против если у вас ещё мой друг с Дамаска поживет?
- Translation
- Would you mind if my friend from Damascus stays with you for a while?
- Content Type
- Russia's alliesRussian collaborators in Ukraine
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia, Syria
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- Stock photo
- People
- Yanukovych (Viktor) al-Assad (Bashar)
- Title
- Алеппо придумал Ленин
- Translation
- Lenin invented Aleppo
- Content Type
- "Ukraine was created by Lenin" Russia's allies
- Country
- Russia, Syria, Soviet Union
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- Game of ThronesNews photo
- People
- Putin (Vladimir) Lenin (Vladimir)
- Title
- На Вашингтон!
- Translation
- To Washington!
- Content Type
- Russian propaganda and information warFailing infrastructure in Russia
- Country
- Russia, United States
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- Stock photo
- People
- ---
- Title
- Святий Миколай у шоці. 50% українців попросили снайперську гвинтівку.
- Translation
- Saint Nicholas is in shock. 50% of Ukrainians asked for a sniper rifle.
- Content Type
- New Year / Christmas / St. Nicholas Day Resilient Ukrainians
- Country
- Ukraine
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- Film (non-Soviet)
- People
- Saint Nicholas
- Title
- водії: В мою машину більше не влізе.. — волонтери: Влiзе!!!
- Translation
- Driver: My car can't fit anymore. — Volunteers: Yes it will!!!
- Content Type
- Resilient Ukrainians
- Country
- Ukraine
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- Film (non-Soviet)
- People
- ---
- Title
- Коли встиг все зробити до відключення світла
- Translation
- When you manage to do everything before the power goes out
- Content Type
- Infrastructure and communications damage in Ukraine
- Country
- Ukraine
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- Film (non-Soviet)
- People
- ---
- Title
- ЄС виділить 4,2 мільярда євро для підтримки українського бюджету вже до кінця року.
- Translation
- The EU will allocate 4.2 billion euros to support the Ukrainian budget by the end of the year. [The money is apparently in the suitcase Scholz is carrying arriving to Kyiv in December 2024.]
- Content Type
- Support for Ukraine (general)
- Country
- Ukraine, European Union, Germany
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- News photoScreenshot
- People
- Scholz (Olaf)
- Title
- Мангал-валiза (чемодан) 2мм на 6 шампурiв. Цього разу точно щось цікавіше
- Translation
- Grill suitcase (suitcase) 2mm for 6 skewers. This time, definitely something more interesting.
- Content Type
- Support for Ukraine (general)
- Country
- Ukraine, Germany
- Language
- Ukrainian, Russian
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Scholz (Olaf)
- Title
- Нє понял! Чємодан єнто моя фішка!!!
- Translation
- I don't get it! The suitcase, that's my trick!!!
- Content Type
- Putin's biological waste collected in a suitcase by Special Service Support for Ukraine (general)
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia, Germany
- Language
- Ukrainian, Russian
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Putin (Vladimir) Scholz (Olaf)
- Title
- [Scholz turned Leon the Professional and accompanied by Mathilde is arriving to Ukraine with an assassination mission.]
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Support for Ukraine (general)
- Country
- Ukraine, Germany
- Language
- n/a
- Template Type
- Film (non-Soviet)News photo
- People
- Scholz (Olaf)
- Title
- [Scholz arrives to Ukraine carrying weapons.]
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Lend-Lease and other military assistance to Ukraine
- Country
- Ukraine, Germany
- Language
- n/a
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Scholz (Olaf)
- Title
- Штольц: приїхати в Київ. — Мацкалi: штовчємаданєблядь?
- Translation
- Scholz: comeing to Kyiv. — Moscovites: what the fuck is inside the suitcase?
- Content Type
- Support for Ukraine (general)
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia, Germany
- Language
- Ukrainian, Russian
- Template Type
- Animal photoNews photo
- People
- Scholz (Olaf)
- Title
- Купюрами по 500?
- Translation
- Banknotes of 500?
- Content Type
- Support for Ukraine (general)
- Country
- Ukraine, Germany
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Scholz (Olaf)
- Title
- Right now Ukrainians shit in my pants...
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Putin soils his pants War progress / outcome (general)
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Putin (Vladimir)
- Title
- I too would make a tour of Russian ammunitions If we had any left
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Armed Forces (Russia) Putin (general)
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Putin (Vladimir)
- Title
- When you were promised on the internet that Mr. Orange will stop aid flowing to Ukraine and now Russia has to leave Syria due to economical constraints: Those bastards lied to me
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Economic impact of the war Russian propaganda and information warSupport for Ukraine (general)
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia, United States, Syria
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- Stock photo
- People
- Trump (Donald)
- Title
- Ukraine in ru propaganda then: Fake state, country 404, gonna collapse soon and freeze. -- Ukraine in ru propaganda now: Starts revolution in Syria, Ukrainian commanders take Allepo in 3 days, Ukrainian forces destroy russian personnel in Mali, Zelensky manipulates Biden and Scholz
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Armed Forces (Ukraine) "Kyiv in 3 days" Russian propaganda and information warUkraine (general)
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia, Germany, United States, Syria, Mali
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- Buff Doge vs. Cheems
- People
- Zelensky (Volodymyr) Biden (Joe) Scholz (Olaf)
- Title
- By abandoning Assad and therefore Syria, Putin just showed the rest of the world, how Russia abandons and backstabs its "allies" when push comes to shove. Ids just absolutely beautiful :-D
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Russia's alliesPutin (general)
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia, Poland, Syria, Czech Republic, Moldova, Georgia, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- The Simpsons
- People
- Putin (Vladimir) al-Assad(Bashar)
- Title
- - Russia, a nuclear power, can't lose the war. - What? You literally just lost in Syria.
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Russia's alliesRussian propaganda and information warWar progress / outcome (general)
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia, Syria
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- Misc. classical meme
- People
- ---
- Title
- Has the west responded to my latest red-line? -Not yet... we're waiting for them to stop laughing. -- Meanwhile, back at the Kremlin
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- European Union / NATO / United Nations"Red lines"
- Country
- Russia, European Union, NATO countries
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Putin (Vladimir) Peskov (Dmitry)
- Title
- [Putin and Assad shake each other's bloody hands].
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Putin (general) Russia's allies
- Country
- Russia, Syria
- Language
- n/a
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Putin (Vladimir) al-Assad(Bashar)
- Title
- We are very lucky that they are so f*cking stupid.
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Armed Forces (Russia) Armed Forces (Ukraine)
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- War photo
- People
- ---
- Title
- You'll help me retake Aleppo next year, right dad?
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Putin (general) Russia's allies
- Country
- Russia, Syria
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- Misc. classical meme
- People
- Putin (Vladimir) al-Assad(Bashar)
- Title
- Shhhhhh... It's All According To Plan.
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- "Everything goes according to the plan" Putin (general)
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Putin (Vladimir)
- Title
- XK class scenario grade copium. Polonium infused. Exp 5/9/2022
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Putin (general)
- Country
- Russia, Soviet Union
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- Monkey Putin
- People
- Putin (Vladimir)
- Title
- Me -- Vatnik tears
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Memes (yes - memes about memes!) Russian propaganda and information war
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- ---
- Title
- Сертификат долбоёба
- Translation
- Dumbfuck certificate ["Dolboyob" / Ukr. "dovboyob" is the term used by Zelensky to describe Putin after the latter has named "boredom" and" desire for some action" as reasons for the war, during his yearly press conference / Direct line event, on December 19, 2024.]
- Content Type
- Putin (general)
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Putin (Vladimir)
- Title
- путін: я хочу високотехнологічну дуель -- Твого генерала вбив електросамокат
- Translation
- Putin: I want a high-tech duel -- Your general was killed by an electric scooter [Quote from Putin during his press conference / Direct line event, December 19, 2024. -- Lt Gen Igor Kirillov, head of the Russian Nuclear, Biological, Chemical Defence Forces (NBC), and his assistant were killed in Moscow scooter bomb attack. Ukraine's security service took responsibility for the attack.]
- Content Type
- Armed Forces (Russia) Assassination by scooter
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Template Type
- Misc. classical meme
- People
- Putin (Vladimir) Kirillov (Igor)
- Title
- Нам скучно - хочется движухи!
- Translation
- We're bored - we want some action! [Quote from Putin explaining the benefits of the war for Russia during his press conference / Direct line event, December 19, 2024].
- Content Type
- Putin and Hitler Russian propaganda and information war
- Country
- Russia, Germany
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- Historical photo
- People
- Putin (Vladimir) Hitler (Adolf)
- Title
- Make American Great Again -- It's experimental -- mRNA changes DNA? -- Peer reviewed by who? -- Globalist plot! -- Enjoy your blood clots! -- It needs more testing! -- It'll cause autism! -- Vaccinated people shed and cause disease! -- Masks don't work! -- Execute Fauci! -- Spike proteins! -- It's just a bad cold! -- We can shine light inside the body! -- Big Pharma money grab! -- Scam! -- Fake news! -- You'll need a booster every year! -- You got boosted? -- I bet you got boosted! -- Take this horse medicine and buy my supplements! BREAKING: Russia announces it has developed a cancer vaccine, free for all citizens.
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Russian propaganda and information warRussia's allies
- Country
- Russia, United States
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- Wojak
- People
- Putin (Vladimir)
- Title
- I cure cancer now. Trust me. [Russia started trials of a vaccine against cancer.]
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Putin (general)
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Putin (Vladimir)
- Title
- Bavovna Scooters 3 Generals included Lepin. Nafo. TNT. [Lt Gen Igor Kirillov, head of the Russian Nuclear, Biological, Chemical Defence Forces (NBC), and his assistant were killed in Moscow scooter bomb attack. Ukraine's security service took responsibility for the attack.]
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Assassination by scooter "Bavovna" ("cotton / clap" - explosion in Russia or on occupied territories)
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- Branding NAFO / Shiba Inu
- People
- Kirillov (Igor)
- Title
- Russian diplomacy - The West
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- "Red lines"
- Country
- Russia, European Union, NATO countries
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- The Simpsons
- People
- ---
- Title
- Глава Генштаба ВС РФ: отчитывается о выполнении всех задач в 2024 году -- Жители Суджи:
- Translation
- Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces: reports on the completion of all tasks in 2024 -- Residents of Sudzha:
- Content Type
- Ukraine's counteroffensive
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- Animal photo
- People
- ---
- Title
- Нам этот генерал нахуй не нужон!
- Translation
- We don't fucking need this general! [Lt Gen Igor Kirillov, head of the Russian Nuclear, Biological, Chemical Defence Forces (NBC), and his assistant were killed in Moscow scooter bomb attack. Ukraine's security service took responsibility for the attack.]
- Content Type
- Armed Forces (Russia) War news - dealing with them
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- Russian
- Template Type
- We don't give a fuck about...
- People
- Kirillov (Igor)
- Title
- [Lt Gen Igor Kirillov, head of the Russian Nuclear, Biological, Chemical Defence Forces (NBC), and his assistant were killed in Moscow scooter bomb attack. Ukraine's security service took responsibility for the attack.]
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Assassination by scooter Armed Forces (Ukraine)
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- n/a
- Template Type
- PepeRage comics
- People
- Kirillov (Igor)
- Title
- Russians while bombing children's hospitals -- Russians when they get bombed back
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Russia (general)
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- Performer publicity photo
- People
- ---
- Title
- [Putin walks while wearing a soiled diaper].
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Putin soils his pants
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- n/a
- Template Type
- News photo
- People
- Putin (Vladimir)
- Title
- Ah shit, here we go again.
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Assassination by scooter
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- Game
- People
- ---
- Title
- Scooters gonna scoot
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Assassination by scooter
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- NAFO / Shiba Inu
- People
- ---
- Title
- BudaWheels: "Explode into motion, ride with power!"
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Assassination by scooter
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- Branding
- People
- Budanov (Kyrylo)
- Title
- - Scooter? - Yes
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Assassination by scooter
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- TV show
- People
- Budanov (Kyrylo)
- Title
- "All Moscow public scooter-sharing services are banned!"
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Armed Forces (Russia) Assassination by scooter
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- Stock photo
- People
- Shoigu (Sergei)Kirillov (Igor)
- Title
- [On packet:] Capri-Sun, Fiery Blood Orange
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Assassination by scooter
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- NAFO / Shiba Inu Stock photo
- People
- Kirillov (Igor)
- Title
- Mr Budanov sends his regards
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Armed Forces (Ukraine)
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- Game
- People
- Budanov (Kyrylo)
- Title
- [Lt Gen Igor Kirillov, head of the Russian Nuclear, Biological, Chemical Defence Forces is confronted by assassin scooters.]
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Armed Forces (Russia) Assassination by scooter
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- n/a
- Template Type
- Game
- People
- Kirillov (Igor)
- Title
- It's a Match!
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Armed Forces (Russia) Assassination by scooter
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- News photoStock photo
- People
- Kirillov (Igor)
- Title
- FSB -- Russian War Criminals -- Ukrainians supported by NATO Intel
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Assassination by scooter European Union / NATO / United NationsLend-Lease and other military assistance to Ukraine Armed Forces (Russia)
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia, NATO countries
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- Silent protector
- People
- Kirillov (Igor)
- Title
- [On the shirt:] Together we are stronger -- NATO / OTAN
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Assassination by scooter European Union / NATO / United NationsLend-Lease and other military assistance to Ukraine
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia, NATO countries
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- WojakPepe
- People
- Putin (Vladimir) Kirillov (Igor)
- Title
- Woe, Pipebomb be upon ye
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Assassination by scooter Armed Forces (Ukraine)
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- Stock photo
- People
- Zelensky (Volodymyr) Kirillov (Igor)
- Title
- [Lt Gen Igor Kirillov, head of the Russian Nuclear, Biological, Chemical Defence Forces walks as a scooter ready to explode waits for him, with a NAFO Fella hiding behind it, gun in hand.]
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Armed Forces (Russia) Assassination by scooter
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- n/a
- Template Type
- NAFO / Shiba Inu News photo
- People
- Kirillov (Igor)
- Title
- Nuclear-armed countries that lost generals to scooter explosions
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Assassination by scooter Russia (general)
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- Map
- People
- Kirillov (Igor)
- Title
- Nafo ofan Employee of the month: Scooter sploder. For outstanding performance of effort.
- Translation
- ---
- Content Type
- Assassination by scooter
- Country
- Ukraine, Russia
- Language
- English
- Template Type
- NAFO / Shiba Inu News photo
- People
- Kirillov (Igor)